Monday, July 6, 2015

34 Weeks 0 Days

It's 10pm and I'm reclining comfortably in "my" bed watching Bones. I'm not in L&D or ER!!! I just hope tonight continues as today has gone. Mom took me to the Chiropractor this afternoon and I was able to do the back treatments again. My pain spike coincided with the time I stopped the chiropractor treatments so I asked if I could continue the treatments.

Today Ashley and I went through all Blaire's clothing. We are almost set! I need to buy a few sets of pants and maybe an extra sleeper or two for different months. Of course, I'll be buying some decorative elastic and sew some flowers on and make her some head bands!

I've been having some contractions but can hardly feel them. I can feel some sharp pains down low but I'm unable to recognize when my belly gets hard. Mom can tell, but it all feels the same to me! With Blake I was never able to distinguish between contractions and regular belly tightness. When I've had my NST's, the machine shows that I'm having consistent contractions and I'm dilated to 1cm. The other night I woke to a very odd feeling. I knew that I didn't pee my pants by the way everything felt, but it was strange and now am on the lookout for more leaking of the water bag. Blaire has been quite active today. I took one extra pill in the afternoon, but since I've not been loaded up with meds from the hospital, she has been able to function well today without being so subdued from the drugs. 

I so hate being on these drugs. I hate that Blaire will have to go through withdrawls. I'm praying that her lungs will develop quickly and properly so she won't need steroids to develop them. Also that she will go through withdrawls just fine so we can bring her home at 1 week old rather than who-knows-when. I've been learning new things from all the different doctors I've been seeing (literally) every other day (or more).

3 weeks and counting...
21 days (hopefully) to induction.
In an email, my OB said that I could deliver at 37 weeks, but I need to make sure she sticks to her word. I'm not ready to continue in this pain and all the trips for help, so I gotta keep her to her word at 37 weeks and not longer!!

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