Minimal pain, still waking up during the night once. Blood sugars are still a little elevated because of being sick but I'm within the 100's now. Joseph and I left the house at 6:30am to head to my first prenatal appointment in Sac. I had another ultrasound and got to are baby B's heartbeat! There isn't too much to see at this point. I do need to get another, more thorough ultrasound done in two weeks. There is a little suspicious something that they want to check out. They are thinking it isn't anything to worry about, just that my uterus might be shaped oddly. Last pregnancy I had a "uterine sheet" that prevented Blake from having full motion from within. The doc suspects that is all it is. The appointment didn't entail much but we were there over an hour. One change to my lunch ratio and I was good to go! I have been quite tired in the evenings: ready for bed at 530! I've been staying up til 8 when Blake goes to bed, or sometimes 9 reading. Energy level during the day is slightly subdued and I'm finding no motivation for housework!! Haha I does start a new quilt for a client so I am excited to be working on it! Gotta see how much I can get done before the 12th, when school starts back up!
The everyday life of a "High Risk" pregnancy...and the road to recovery of a baby in the NICU. "Life must be seen with eager eyes or else take the risk of life being dreary."
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Monday, December 29, 2014
7 Weeks
These last few days since Christmas have been pretty good, pregnancy wise. Having a cold and taking no meds with it kinda sucks, but that's okay! Minimal nausea, minimal back pain, and only foot pain at night like usual! My first prenatal appointment is in the morning. How fantastic I have a 7:45am appointment! I'll be sure to let everyone know I'm supposed to be sleeping still and for another hour at least! =) Joseph will be going with me since he works in the afternoon rather than his regular shift. I was thinking today. Other than my back, foot, and anxiety issues with my previous pregnancy, I had really no pregnancy miseries! I didn't have anything to complain about other than the anxiety and pain issues which were not related to pregnancy! I'm praying this time for less pain than last time and the same, minimal to no pregnancy miseries!
Sunday, December 28, 2014
6 Weeks 6 Days
Joseph got up with Blake and allowed me to sleep in. When I got up he was finishing the kitchen and had Blake's toys gathered! Pain hasn't been bad at all today! But, I've had quite a bit of pressure behind my eyes which is making me feel funny. My BP was 130/93 p106. Not too bad, but not fantastic either. I'm nearly over my cold which is very nice. My ears still need to clear up though. In the meantime, I can't hear half the things you say! Bgs 105, 69, 59, 83, 99 &50 again. I've been feeling strange. Can't quite place what's going on.
Saturday, December 27, 2014
6 weeks 5 days
Sick day #2. Woke up pretty miserable but symptoms improved throughout the day. Back pain is back with a vengeance. It isn't consistent pain, which is fantastic, but randomly I'll have stabbing and burning pain down my lower back and front thigh. Seriously feels like someone is stabbing me with a fork. Foot pain is back in the evening starting at a level 7 and climbing. How many days can I put between me and my Norco buddy?!
Blood sugars are crazy today from being sick. Poor Baby. I can't do anything about these levels. You just gotta overcome this obstacle and form perfectly for your Moma!! Tell these high bg's that they're not gonna affect you! There is only so much I can do and I'll do it the best I can.
Joseph is rubbing my calf... I should have an MRI of my ankle in January. It will be interesting to see what that shows...
Blake has done well today; playing quietly with his new toys while I rest on the couch. He comes to give me kisses when I say that I have owies. He is currently helping Joseph to rub my calf. =)
It hasn't been {too} bad of a day... but I can't wait for a do over...
Joseph is rubbing my calf... I should have an MRI of my ankle in January. It will be interesting to see what that shows...
Blake has done well today; playing quietly with his new toys while I rest on the couch. He comes to give me kisses when I say that I have owies. He is currently helping Joseph to rub my calf. =)
It hasn't been {too} bad of a day... but I can't wait for a do over...
Thursday, December 25, 2014
6 Weeks 2 & 3 Days
Previous night was a fairly good night. Only woke up once
writhing with ankle pain. Joseph rubbed my calf for fifteen minutes until the
Tylenol kicked in good enough. During the morning, the pain was pretty subsided
but during the day, continued to increase even with Tylenol. Christmas Eve we
spent in the city with the Bedford’s at Nancy’s house. The hour drive there was
spent in moaning and whimpering silence while I massaged the snot outta my foot,
calf, knee, upper thigh and hip. I had taken a Norco to help the pain and it
took over an hour to kick in. I limped from the car to the house, breathing
heavily like I was in labor. Turns out, my pain was being aggravated by sitting
and I spent nearly the entire 3 hours standing, rocking from foot to foot. My
foot was improved but the standing hurt my back…go figure. We got home around
midnight. I was exhausted! I planned to take another Tylenol to prevent as much
pain as I could. I got in bed, expecting to cuddle up to my sexy heater and
fall asleep. One quick bg check before snoozing…. I was at 57. UGH! And go
figure, my Dex isn’t responding at this time and I have no symptoms. Up I go to
chug some juices. Light on, I spent the next 20 minutes in and out of snoozing
and checking my level. 111. Close enough. I took another Tylenol at 6:15am and
slept in til 9:30 or so. Blake was with my parents. The more today continues,
the more pain I am in. I'm feeding my insulin and I’m sick: my body aches, ears are stabbing me
randomly, and throat is extremely sensitive and I feel like SHIITAKE sauce…
Merry Christmas to me!
Anyone nauseated from pregnancy?
Let's trade...
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
6 Weeks 1 day
During yesterday, Tylenol helped for most of the time. The other time, my back and foot were throbbing at a minimum of level 7. I had taken a Tylenol before going to bed and by the time Joseph got home from work, I was in immense pain. Unable to take Tylenol because it had been too soon, Joseph put the rice bag in the microwave to see if that would help my foot pain. If I'm remembering correctly, between 11pm and 2:45am, Joseph had gotten up 5 times to reheat my ricebag and put it back on my foot. He rubbed my calf and it didn't help like it usually does. Aound 3am, fed up and near tears I asked for the ice packs rather than heat. For the next half hour, my left side of my body was lying on pillows and the right half was on ice, and the rice bag was on the top of my body to help keep me warm. 14" of my back/butt and my whole ankle/foot were on ice. My back went numb within 20 minutes but it took longer for my foot. While I whimpered and moaned,Joseph tried rubbing my leg again but the way I was laying, the ice pack was in the way. He was very patient with my pain. The ice was effective enough and by 4:45am, I was able to roll off the ice and finally fall asleep. I took another Tylenol at 6:20am. It is now Noon, I'll take another and hopefully stave off this pain a little while longer.
With this pregnancy, I've been more emotional (cry easily) than I was with Blake or any other time in my life. "Joseph isn't home for another hour. Let's start crying!" haha! It's slightly ridiculous but I'm wondering if my constant pain has any bearing on my highly tender emotional state...
With this pregnancy, I've been more emotional (cry easily) than I was with Blake or any other time in my life. "Joseph isn't home for another hour. Let's start crying!" haha! It's slightly ridiculous but I'm wondering if my constant pain has any bearing on my highly tender emotional state...
Sunday, December 21, 2014
5 weeks 6 days
Sugar levels today: 55, 48, & 52. Minimal to no symptoms leading up to the low. Oh the joys of eating more sugar when you're already stuffed! Thankfully I have no nausea yet! I am combatting foot pain and a headache (from the lows) today. I'll try to get above 100 and stay there... Otherwise I'll be up all night eating more food and sugary things to stay alive!
Dinner of 60carbs or more: bg 122. . . .
Saturday, December 20, 2014
5 weeks 5 days
Pain level for the last 12 hours. Minimum of a level 8. Tylenol and heat are not helping the swelling and pain in my foot. Doc told me that I can take a 2.5mg or 5mg Norco for the pain IF I reallllllly have to, every once in a while. Well. Today is that day. I'm nearly in tears and can't handle it anymore today. My back is stabbing my like knives across the bottom right. Dad gave me his pills so I just took half of a half of a half of his... Doc told me that even if I'm in a ton of pain in the 30 weeks I can't deliver early because of it... I'm pretty sure by that point they'll want to deliver me early because the other option would be getting the baby dependant on Norco... That would be no bueno.
Friday, December 19, 2014
5 weeks 4 days
Blake crawled in bed with me this morning and when we got up, I realized that he peed through his diaper and my sheets! haha Looks like I have lots of laundry to do today... When Joseph gets home. I'm not gonna risk my back with loads of laundry! Anywho. When I tried to sneak out of bed before Blake woke, later on, he stood up and hugged me. If I tried to move, he held on tighter. He missed me! And I missed his little hugs and noises!! I slept like a rock on my comfy 3" memory foam mattress!!! I went low once or twice last night and woke up at 96bg. Eggs and Mexican hot chocolate for breakfast, keeping within my 45ch for meals. =) Eggs didn't make me sick today! Praise the Lord!!
Thursday, December 18, 2014
5 weeks 3 days
Good Morning, Campers!
Well this was a long night of intense back and constant foot pain. I can only have Tylenol every 8 hours so I'm using my heat(rice) pack in between meds. At 2am, I was moved to a room, two doors down. My roomie's last name is Gould... Which is hilarious especially considering I've been watching Stargate while I've been here!!! I think she is an elderly woman, but I have not seen her yet.
I will be coming home today, according to the nurse!

WOOSA. WOOSA. Come watch me rub my ear. You're in the hospital people. Make the best out of a difficult situation! Don't just sit on the other side of the curtain and practically yell into your cell phone about how you hate doctors and hate being here. First you complain about how the doctors and nurses aren't doing enough and you just wanna go home and then you complain about how the doctor and nurses are analyzing everything! Your blood, urine, notes, etc.... Which is it? Besides, no one likes being in the hospital!... I think your host needs to come take over... GOULD!
My doctor came in. We discussed my levels and rates. One adjustment was hers and one was mine! I'm learning that diabetes management is different now because Baby B. causes insulin to work faster and basals are affected differently. So I'm learning. Dr is so much better than last time! I'm soooo glad. She said if I wanted to go back to Woodland that she and her team would kidnap me so I had to stay with her haha. I told her I'd literally die if I went back to woodland and have no plans of leaving.
I also asked her about the celebration meal woodland offered me, "Oh you're diabetic, no sparkling cider or cheesecake for you." Um excuse me. I just had a baby! Dr Field here told me, "You're working with me so good, you're communicating well and I know your bg's will be great. You're gonna have brownies made by me, cheesecake and sparkling cider as long as I can celebrate with you!" Because I don't have a history of DKA in the last 13 years, she feels like I can splurge without fear of repercussions of the sugar! OH and because I have a bad back, I can ask for an "Egg Crate Mattress" next time which is supposed to be more comfy!
I dragged a chair out to the hallway and am sitting with my feet on a stool, a large pillow behind my back, my blanket over my shoulders, and I'm watching Stargate while the nurses and doctors walk by me smiling. I was too cooped up with my roomie! The hall is much nicer!
Yesterday my nurse faxed a pregnancy verification to Medi-Cal and they received it and are processing it today!! In the meantime, I have emergency medi-cal that has been pushed through for me by the financial people here at the hospital! Looks like I'll be able to get into the clinic now without having to pay $200 per visit.
It's such a lazy day! Right after lunch I put on Stargate, laid down at the foot of my bed with my feet curled up at the midpoint of the bed and snoozed for an hour! My nurse said I looked comfy and she didn't wanna wake me to check my level =) I was at a better post lunch level than my previous meal. I think I'm hitting a little absorption issues with my insertion sites. =( Can't do it in the places where it works best because I gotta let the tissues heal. Doc came to talk about discharging me. I need to limit my meals to 45ch and snacks to 30ch. It will be a little difficult for now because I'm used to eating 2 high carb meals a day rather than 6 lower carb meals a day. Baby will help though. The more B. grows, the less I'll be able to eat at a time =)
When Joseph and Blake come to get me, we are going to visit the main nurse who cared for him when he was admitted in 2012. Then, we are heading to Woodland for dinner and to "give Elaine her Christmas gift" of a photo album with our announcement!
I dragged a chair out to the hallway and am sitting with my feet on a stool, a large pillow behind my back, my blanket over my shoulders, and I'm watching Stargate while the nurses and doctors walk by me smiling. I was too cooped up with my roomie! The hall is much nicer!
Yesterday my nurse faxed a pregnancy verification to Medi-Cal and they received it and are processing it today!! In the meantime, I have emergency medi-cal that has been pushed through for me by the financial people here at the hospital! Looks like I'll be able to get into the clinic now without having to pay $200 per visit.
It's such a lazy day! Right after lunch I put on Stargate, laid down at the foot of my bed with my feet curled up at the midpoint of the bed and snoozed for an hour! My nurse said I looked comfy and she didn't wanna wake me to check my level =) I was at a better post lunch level than my previous meal. I think I'm hitting a little absorption issues with my insertion sites. =( Can't do it in the places where it works best because I gotta let the tissues heal. Doc came to talk about discharging me. I need to limit my meals to 45ch and snacks to 30ch. It will be a little difficult for now because I'm used to eating 2 high carb meals a day rather than 6 lower carb meals a day. Baby will help though. The more B. grows, the less I'll be able to eat at a time =)
When Joseph and Blake come to get me, we are going to visit the main nurse who cared for him when he was admitted in 2012. Then, we are heading to Woodland for dinner and to "give Elaine her Christmas gift" of a photo album with our announcement!
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
5 weeks 2 days
Music in my ear all night, I slept better than the night before. I barely woke when the nurse came in. I did wake twice with major foot pain though. My nurse gave me a Norco and that barely took the edge =( I sure needed Joseph to come rub my calf because trying to rub my calf with my opposite foot does not work! I was almost in tears when the nurse came in at 3 to give me drugs.
Turns out I'm here till tomorrow... I was too low yesterday so I have to get a little higher. LOL! Looks like I might go back to all the rates I had at home! My doctor came in this morning and talked about my levels and how she was ready to adjust things again. She wanted to adjust my morning basal because yesterday I was high after breakfast. I told her, "My basal has been perfect in the mornings for the last week, I'll stay at 80 til Noon. I usually eat a late breakfast so I know that 1.45 is accurate. Shouldn't we change the carb ratio from 1:18 down to 1:15?" She said "No." So much for listening, right?! I told my nurse after the dr left, "Oh well. I'll do it her way for now and see. She might be right, but time will tell." I ate my breakfast with the same 1:18 (instead of my suggestion 1:15)and the new basal of 1.5 ... and hour later I was high! HAHAHAH My nurse said, "You were RIGHT!!!! It wasn't the basal! It was the carb ratio!!!" It was quite a funny moment! It will be interesting to see what the doctor has to say about that. When I asked her about the odd ratios from yesterday, being dependent upon the amt.of carbs rather than the timing of the meals, she proceeded to lecture me of why that was wrong and wondered why I had such a strange way of thinking... I replied, "Well, I thought it was strange too but that is what the other doctor told me to do!" She commented,"All the orders come from me and that's not what I told you to do." "Well, it is what the other doctor told me to do. I'll change it now to what I've always known it to be, dependent on the timing of the meals."
I've been cooped up in this room with my roomie for almost a full day now. She is from India and VERY hard to understand with her thick accent. I think she is annoyed today because she keeps having to repeat herself! haha She is a talkative person though. I asked my nurse if I was free to roam the hospital. I need to walk around for my back and foot not to hurt...and my ears... haha I went up to the NICU and spoke with a nurse about doing a scrapbook page on our experience here in 2012. Then, I walked down the long hall to the "Surgery Waiting Room" and created my own digital scrapbook rather than doing a paper one. I was gone a little over an hour. When I came back my snack was waiting for me! I saved it to have a larger lunch though. Mom called and we had a nice chat. My back is hurting again. A nerve is being messed with because pain meds and ice packs don't hardly make a dint to the pain.
Here is some more irony for you: Yesterday I was under 100 all day. Today, my levels (with dr's changes) have been 136, 193, 176, & 195... So much for those changes! It's hard to sit back and let them do their thing when I know I can bring the levels back down!
I called Medi-Cal to see if they covered me with insurance yet... The lady was giving me the chat about how it takes so long to do this and so long to do that and wanted me to drop off a pregnancy verification at the local office... When I said I'd been hospitalized because of having a high risk pregnancy, she changed her tune and said a verbal pregnancy verification was enough and to call back and check status on Friday. Uh Yeah.... Guess I found the trick to light a fire under their bootays!
Levels were better in the afternoon, but I did go low once. I'll be changing that basal tomorrow. Joseph came in the evening and stayed for a few hours. My back is killing me again with the shooting pain down the front of my leg. My roomie left so I have the room to myself again... I can listen to my music without headphones!
Praying I go home tomorrow! I'm ready to go back to (3"- foam- on- top- of- my- mattress) comforts of home and FOODS! I think when I'm admitted again, whether its for having the baby or before, I need to invest in a foam mattress to bring with me.... or ask for a specialized bed... =)
Here is some more irony for you: Yesterday I was under 100 all day. Today, my levels (with dr's changes) have been 136, 193, 176, & 195... So much for those changes! It's hard to sit back and let them do their thing when I know I can bring the levels back down!
I called Medi-Cal to see if they covered me with insurance yet... The lady was giving me the chat about how it takes so long to do this and so long to do that and wanted me to drop off a pregnancy verification at the local office... When I said I'd been hospitalized because of having a high risk pregnancy, she changed her tune and said a verbal pregnancy verification was enough and to call back and check status on Friday. Uh Yeah.... Guess I found the trick to light a fire under their bootays!
Levels were better in the afternoon, but I did go low once. I'll be changing that basal tomorrow. Joseph came in the evening and stayed for a few hours. My back is killing me again with the shooting pain down the front of my leg. My roomie left so I have the room to myself again... I can listen to my music without headphones!
Praying I go home tomorrow! I'm ready to go back to (3"- foam- on- top- of- my- mattress) comforts of home and FOODS! I think when I'm admitted again, whether its for having the baby or before, I need to invest in a foam mattress to bring with me.... or ask for a specialized bed... =)
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
5 weeks 1 day
5am started off with a terrifying and vivid pregnancy dream. I couldn't go back to sleep without the scaryness popping back in. I turned on the tv and that helped, but there was no going back to sleep. By 6:30am I was going slightly low, had a snack, and started blogging. My level was 92 after a snack, but I still felt dizzy (not to mention my belly button was touching my backbone).
I snoozed from 7:15 to 8 and then started my day off with a shower. The nurse thought I was crazy, wanting to shower before eating breakfast. I knew that my docs would be in at 9 so I wanted to prioritize! So I'm in the shower, enjoying the hot water and the bathroom door opens... The nurse was trying to ask me something about scanning my pump. I popped my head out the shower door and tried to decipher through her accent to what she was trying to say. "You want to scan my wristband? uh. You want to scan my meds? What? You need my pump? What for? You want to scan my pump? Oh you're asking if we normally scan my pump. No. You don't scan my pump." Yeah. that was kinda awkward. I bolused ten minutes before starting to eat and multi tasked with putting on my makeup and doing my hair. (Mom would be appalled!) I finished eating and a doctor swooped into the room announcing her name as fast as she could and sat down and chattered away about how high bloodsugars are no bueno for my baby. Uh fetus. Yeah, Baby. This is the same doctor I fled from last time. Even though she was a whirlwind, she seemed a little nicer this time and way less "high levels are threatening the life of your baby." She calmed down enough to let me speak and ask my questions. When she concluded her chatter, she gave me a job. "It's your job now to let me know if you think my basal/ insulin changes are too drastic. We will work as a team, don't be afraid to speak up and we will go slower with the changes."
We are off to a very good start this time around! =D
We changed my carb ratio for 'over 40ch'.
1:18 for ch under 40
1:15 ch 40 and above
1:20ch after noon
It's kind of interesting how it's being done. I've only had different rates for different times of the day, not for different food amounts, but it's making sense.... I think... I'm going low again.
Yay for Dexcom and being all in the red!!!
It's really ironic though. I was admitted because my A1C is high but I've been having great levels, at home and here. I'm going low here though because the rates are a little higher and all I'm doing is sitting on my butt...Not chasing a 2 year old, washing dishes, running errands, etc.
It's really ironic though. I was admitted because my A1C is high but I've been having great levels, at home and here. I'm going low here though because the rates are a little higher and all I'm doing is sitting on my butt...Not chasing a 2 year old, washing dishes, running errands, etc.
Kara came to visit me! I had a nice time with her here. While she was here the dietitian came and reviewed my knowledge of carbs. I think Kara fell asleep in the chair while I was occupied!
Later, Joseph came and we watched a WWII movie. Dad, Mom and Blake came and visited for a little while too. Blake is traumatized from his hospital visit and freaked out when nurses came into the room. The night nurse let him help out with checking my vital signs and that warmed him up to everything! I shared my snack with Blake. Dad was holding him and as soon as I pulled out food, Blake threw down his blanket, yanked out his "boba" and handed it to mom and practically jumped from dad to me! My back has been killing me this evening. I have sharp, stabbing pain on the right side, wrapping around to the front and down the length of my leg to my knee. I should get to go home tomorrow, Wednesday. My levels have been under 100 all day today except for one spike at breakfast. I went low twice but not too bad. It will be interesting to see how my levels do at home with my normal activity and having Blake around. I expect quite a few lows before the week is through.
Later, Joseph came and we watched a WWII movie. Dad, Mom and Blake came and visited for a little while too. Blake is traumatized from his hospital visit and freaked out when nurses came into the room. The night nurse let him help out with checking my vital signs and that warmed him up to everything! I shared my snack with Blake. Dad was holding him and as soon as I pulled out food, Blake threw down his blanket, yanked out his "boba" and handed it to mom and practically jumped from dad to me! My back has been killing me this evening. I have sharp, stabbing pain on the right side, wrapping around to the front and down the length of my leg to my knee. I should get to go home tomorrow, Wednesday. My levels have been under 100 all day today except for one spike at breakfast. I went low twice but not too bad. It will be interesting to see how my levels do at home with my normal activity and having Blake around. I expect quite a few lows before the week is through.
Monday, December 15, 2014
5 weeks 0 days

11:00am Joseph and I drove to Fairfield to give Blake kisses and drop off his clothes for the next couple of days.
12:15pm We arrived at UCD. I started off in triage. Joseph couldn't stay too long because he had to work at 2pm. I got an IV in my arm between my elbow and wrist. I've never had one in this location before. Then, I had an EKG (heart ultrasound) and another ultrasound to determine how far along I am. EKG looked fine. A few nights ago I woke with some chest pain so that is why they did that. Ultrasound showed that I'm 5 weeks today.
2:30 I then was taken to my room down the hall. It isn't the big comfy room that I had last time. It's smaller and has a second bed by the window. I sure hope I don't get a neighbor while I'm here! I can see the trees outside though and its nice to have that much of a view... Even if the hospital is right behind those trees! My BP has been closer to normal today but they are starting me on Baby Aspirin anyway.
I've been a little afraid to come to UCD this time around because I know how low they want my sugar levels to be. Their rate changes this first time were fine though. They actually backed off my insulin so we shall see how it goes!
I get to talk to the dietician sometime this evening. I've already been told, "No more snacking. You need 3 meals a day with 2-3 snacks." I'm SO hungry though!! haha. I ate before I came and they haven't fed me since! I'm starving! It's been only 4 hours since I had my late breakfast.
4:45 Dexcom shows 60 and dropping. I called the nurse in. She checked my level. I ASKED if I could drink my juice and she said yes. I fished a juice out of my suitcase and finished it...then another nurse walked in with some juice. I was quite surprised she acted so quickly!
So my levels have been nuts for the last 4 weeks. I started out at 6.9%A1C and now am at 8.2%. That is much higher than I need to be to be pregnant but I'm working with my team to bring it down. At night and during the morning I'm finally level at 70-90. It's the evening that my levels are nuts.
This week should be better! I'm looking forward to not being in the 200's now. I know to not beat myself up though. It's hard but I have been through this before. I know I can do it!
The worst thing about being in the hospital: "Sugar Free" food... REALLY!! I'm TYPE 1 !! Not Type 2.... Give me some real sugar people! =)
It's kind of ironic. Earlier they lectured me about not eating very much food and how I need to eat a lot more than I am to help baby B grow... They served me a measly dinner... Go Figure!
Pumping air to my legs to prevent blood clots.
Dad, Mom, and Blake came to visit for a little while.
I've been dropping below 100 all evening, keeping my nurse and doctors scratching their heads while running food and juice to me... I'm quite amused since I'm finally getting all the food I want. hahah!!! Doctors wanted me admitted here because of my 'high" blood sugar levels... I've been below 100 for HOURS and that's including having food/meals! I'm enjoying their confusion!
Sunday, December 14, 2014
4 weeks 6 days
I woke up with a BP of 151/105 p105.
I thought it might have been the rushing to get ready for church. We went to church and during the service I could feel my heart racing!
Right after church, I checked again and I was 191/110 p125.
A few days ago, my Diabetes team told me that I needed to go to the L&D if my pressures were too high. We drove to UCD and sat in triage for about an hour and a half. My pressures had calmed by then. They did labs and sent me home with a "24 hour urine." Pee in a jar for 24 hours and give it to their labs to see whats up with it all.
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
4 weeks 1 day
5am: I really have to pee... Joseph will be up and leaving for work in an hour... I can wait.
6:15am: Joseph is gone. I gotta pee!!
I ran to the bathroom and tore open a pregnancy test. "I'm pretty sure there is a faint line."
I got back in bed.... I couldn't sleep... I had to be sure so I ran back to the bathroom and dug the stick outta the trash. Yup, two, thick, pink lines. Definitely pregnant.
Got back in bed.... Couldn't sleep. So my day began.
Blake's doctor appointment.
My doctor appointment, but I ended up canceling that one.
Applied for Medi-Cal.
Got a positive pregnancy test from the pregnancy center in Fairfield.
Signed up for WIC.
Signed up for FoodStamps.
Got in contact with my Endo team because of my crazy blood sugars. They've been crazy high because of the cortizone injection I had a few weeks ago and also because of crazy pregnancy hormones.
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