11:00am Joseph and I drove to Fairfield to give Blake kisses and drop off his clothes for the next couple of days.
12:15pm We arrived at UCD. I started off in triage. Joseph couldn't stay too long because he had to work at 2pm. I got an IV in my arm between my elbow and wrist. I've never had one in this location before. Then, I had an EKG (heart ultrasound) and another ultrasound to determine how far along I am. EKG looked fine. A few nights ago I woke with some chest pain so that is why they did that. Ultrasound showed that I'm 5 weeks today.
2:30 I then was taken to my room down the hall. It isn't the big comfy room that I had last time. It's smaller and has a second bed by the window. I sure hope I don't get a neighbor while I'm here! I can see the trees outside though and its nice to have that much of a view... Even if the hospital is right behind those trees! My BP has been closer to normal today but they are starting me on Baby Aspirin anyway.
I've been a little afraid to come to UCD this time around because I know how low they want my sugar levels to be. Their rate changes this first time were fine though. They actually backed off my insulin so we shall see how it goes!
I get to talk to the dietician sometime this evening. I've already been told, "No more snacking. You need 3 meals a day with 2-3 snacks." I'm SO hungry though!! haha. I ate before I came and they haven't fed me since! I'm starving! It's been only 4 hours since I had my late breakfast.
4:45 Dexcom shows 60 and dropping. I called the nurse in. She checked my level. I ASKED if I could drink my juice and she said yes. I fished a juice out of my suitcase and finished it...then another nurse walked in with some juice. I was quite surprised she acted so quickly!
So my levels have been nuts for the last 4 weeks. I started out at 6.9%A1C and now am at 8.2%. That is much higher than I need to be to be pregnant but I'm working with my team to bring it down. At night and during the morning I'm finally level at 70-90. It's the evening that my levels are nuts.
This week should be better! I'm looking forward to not being in the 200's now. I know to not beat myself up though. It's hard but I have been through this before. I know I can do it!
The worst thing about being in the hospital: "Sugar Free" food... REALLY!! I'm TYPE 1 !! Not Type 2.... Give me some real sugar people! =)
It's kind of ironic. Earlier they lectured me about not eating very much food and how I need to eat a lot more than I am to help baby B grow... They served me a measly dinner... Go Figure!
Pumping air to my legs to prevent blood clots.
Dad, Mom, and Blake came to visit for a little while.
I've been dropping below 100 all evening, keeping my nurse and doctors scratching their heads while running food and juice to me... I'm quite amused since I'm finally getting all the food I want. hahah!!! Doctors wanted me admitted here because of my 'high" blood sugar levels... I've been below 100 for HOURS and that's including having food/meals! I'm enjoying their confusion!
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