Sunday, December 28, 2014

6 Weeks 6 Days

Joseph got up with Blake and allowed me to sleep in. When I got up he was finishing the kitchen and had Blake's toys gathered! Pain hasn't been bad at all today! But, I've had quite a bit of pressure behind my eyes which is making me feel funny. My BP was 130/93 p106. Not too bad, but not fantastic either. I'm nearly over my cold which is very nice. My ears still need to clear up though. In the meantime, I can't hear half the things you say! Bgs 105, 69, 59, 83, 99 &50 again. I've been feeling strange. Can't quite place what's going on.


  1. The levels look great! And, glad your not in too much pain :-)
    When you said that you can't hear half of what is said, my memories went back to when you were a child. You had many ear infections, and many days, weeks, and months, you could not hear well. I remember telling Grandma Dorothy, "Amber can't hear us talking. Watch this, as I would speak at a normal volume, and I would say, I have candy....." You wouldn't respond at all, because you couldn't hear me :-)

  2. Started from the beginning of the blog on my lunch, half hour in and this is where I stop for the day.... I'll read it all eventually and then maybe be able to keep up with you!
