So I had a pretty good day. I needed an early nap and I slightly snoozed off and on while Blake played in his room. He was noisy so I listened to him while I rested. I didn't actually fall asleep because he kept coming in to talk to me =) He's so cute! My foot ached during the night and I took a Tylenol and used the ice for a few hours. This morning I needed the ice for a short time to get rid of the pain. The day went on with no headaches, good bp's, good bg's, no lows, and I worked on my homework and my quilt. My sisterinlaws came to visit for a while and I very much enjoyed that! After they left, I went to put Blake down for his nap. I was somewhat annoyed because he was being ornery and made a huge mess with his food on the table. I put his step stool up to the sink and he washed his hands. Then I went to wash my hands and push the stool back to the corner with my bad foot... I had no pain and I didn't realize what I was about to do. I'm not really even sure what happened. I didn't use hardly any pressure on my foot but it was like I stiffened my foot in order to push the stool, or maybe I had turned my foot to the side or something. All I know is it was... I can't even describe the pain... Let's just leave it with, I shouted a VERY bad word, CLEAR as day without a thought in my head... and I've NEVER said this word before. I dried my hands, yelled at Blake to stay in his room, and I crawled as fast as I could to the freezer. I got in my chair and put a thin piece of fabric between the ice and my foot and waited for the cold to kick in before I was screaming in pain. It was horrible. And, the weird thing was, as soon as I had the pain in my foot, I had shooting pain all the way (literally) up my leg and into my back. I wasn't sure if I should have iced my foot or my back and took a chance that my foot would work best. I iced for a long time and my foot was still very tender. Later on, I iced my back just in case. My back ached for a little while so I laid back in my chair rather than being in a sitting position. I had considered taking an early dose of the Methadone but decided against it because I really should ask my doc first. I know my limits with Oxycodone but not with the Methadone and I won't be stupid to take chances like that.
I had to make a pill chart with all the times on it for my medication I'm taking. I can remember the meds, but I have 5 specific times a day that I'm supposed to take specific pills!
1x/day - Elavil, Aspirin, Folic Acid, and Vitamins.
2x/day - Colace and BP meds.
3x/day - Methadone.
Metamucil almost daily (stuff's nasty as all get out!)
Laxative a few nights a week just in case =)
I'm hoping to be pain free tonight so I can sleep alllllllll night. This is Joseph's "friday" night =) We get to sleep in tomorrow!
The thought of you shouting a "bad word" made me laugh... I'm sorry but that was comical!