Wednesday, February 11, 2015

13 Weeks 2 Days

I had a long night with pain. I iced my foot and it didn't help any. I iced my back for a long time but only had minimal help. I did wake up with what felt like heartburn in the night though. It was really strange! I didn't think heartburn started this early. I took a Tylenol at 6 when the ice wasn't helping. It helped enough until I took the Methadone at 8. We woke up late. My foot was hurting and I decided that Blake and I needed to go to the pet store before my pain kicked in to much. While at the pet store, I was able to bend down just fine but when I went to walk to my truck, or push in the clutch/gas pedals, I almost got major cramps down the front of my upper legs! Looks like I'll need to do some leg strengthening to help me out come delivery day! Nausea is still in today. Eating is minimal. Otherwise I'm doing great!!!


  1. The Western Feed store across from TFH. It has pet food/supplies and they have chicks and rabbits to pet, and mice and rats to look at =)
