My minimal pain streak has come to an abrupt halt;
My pain has come back with a vengeance!
I went to bed early on Monday morning just fine. (Our new bedtime due to Joseph's new shift change is between midnight and 3am)
Within a very short time, I started to be nauseated and feel crampy. I sat up in bed (rather than laying down) and that didn't help so I laid back down. I started feeling worse so I got on my hands and knees to breathe with no pressure from my organs being so squished up inside me! It didn't work. I then rushed to the bathroom, expecting to throw up from the intense cramping pain. It felt just like the pain I'd had 3 days previous but the cramping was more intestinal rather than uterine! I sat on my throne for a little while waiting for something to come out either end. Nothing happened except me moaning in pain. I went back to bed and only a short time later, I was rushing back to my throne. Cramping was quite intense and I'm sure Joseph could hear me down the short hall. My foot started hurting while there, but I couldn't do anything about it. And, I'd already taken a Tylenol just 2-3 hours before. I got back in bed, Joseph put the heat pack on my foot, and started to rub my leg. Pain only grew worse and the cramping continued. I had to rush back to the throne room to finish business. Back in bed pain ceased a bit to let me and Joseph get some rest. Just a few hours later cramping woke me again. I rushed to the bathroom with no results but a very painful foot. I went back into bed, huffing and puffing and moaning up a storm. Joseph got the heat which did nothing. He got the ice for my foot which did nothing. He put ice under my back which did nothing. He rubbed my calf which did minimal. He rubbed my foot which did minimal help. He then leaped up, rolled me onto my side, and aggressively started massaging my lower back with the palm of his hand and that helped some. He put the ice back on my back and went back to rubbing my leg. After at least an hour and some minutes of me writhing in pain; slutching at the sheets, biting my pillow, grabbing anything I could, moaning and nearly crying, the pain finally started to subside.
We were exhausted.
Just as Joseph started breathing heavy and I was about to fall into sleep, Blake woke up and came into our room. Joseph got up to put a movie on for him and gave him some cereal. For a little while war raged between desperately needing sleep and caring for Blake. At some point, I fell asleep.
I was woken at 2pm by Joseph leaving for work. He had been up for hours taking care of Blake and letting me sleep. I know he must have been extremely tired too, but he didn't say anything.
During the rest of the day my pain was minimal, steadily holding at a level 4. Mom and I ran errands and went grocery shopping and even with getting home around 10:45pm, my pain was not building. As soon as she left though, the pain did start to rise so I took a Tylenol and when Joseph got home only a few minutes later, he heated up my heat pack. Tonight I will be taking 10mg (rather than 5mg) of the muscle relaxant. That seems to be the best with helping my pain.
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