If you've been a consistent reader here on my blog, you'll already know that I have frustrations with the advice nurses in the clinic. I have made progress in the way that my BG reports go straight to MY dr. My other questions, though, are still being bypassed by the nurses.
I've been having some pelvic (bone) pain and it is very different than Round Ligament Pain. This new pain feels like the pelvic bone is out of alignment (if that's even possible) and it is definitely NOT the pulling pain of the ligament. Yesterday, at my appointment, I brought this issue up to the first doctor who came into the room but forgot to talk to MY doctor about it. Last night I emailed MY doctor asking about my concerns....
Hello Dr. F,
At the appointment today I brought up a concern to
the first doctor who was in the room but completely
forgot to talk to you about it. I’ve been having some pain
and discomfort (when I move at all) in my pubic area.
The other doctor said that it’s Round Ligament pain,
but I’ve felt that before and this feels Very different.
This feels like the pubic bone is out of whack or something.
I deal with my back being out of alignment and I get my back
adjusted weekly by a chiropractor and this pubic pain is
the same type of pain associated with something being
out of alignment… would you agree this is different
than Round Ligament pain or no? . . .
the first doctor who was in the room but completely
forgot to talk to you about it. I’ve been having some pain
and discomfort (when I move at all) in my pubic area.
The other doctor said that it’s Round Ligament pain,
but I’ve felt that before and this feels Very different.
This feels like the pubic bone is out of whack or something.
I deal with my back being out of alignment and I get my back
adjusted weekly by a chiropractor and this pubic pain is
the same type of pain associated with something being
out of alignment… would you agree this is different
than Round Ligament pain or no? . . .
Hi Amber,
Round ligament pain is quite common during
is typically on either the right or left side. Sometimes women
can get pain in the area of the pubic bone as the cartilage
is stretching and/or separating. During pregnancy, hormones
such as relaxin soften this cartilage allowing the pelvic bones to
be more flexible for delivery. You can take Tylenol for the pain,
but should also purchase a pregnancy girdle or support belt.
If you don't get improvement, then call an advice nurse or
discuss it with the physician at your next appointment.
is typically on either the right or left side. Sometimes women
can get pain in the area of the pubic bone as the cartilage
is stretching and/or separating. During pregnancy, hormones
such as relaxin soften this cartilage allowing the pelvic bones to
be more flexible for delivery. You can take Tylenol for the pain,
but should also purchase a pregnancy girdle or support belt.
If you don't get improvement, then call an advice nurse or
discuss it with the physician at your next appointment.
Let us know if you have any further questions.
Thanks, OB/Gyn Advice Nurse
Hi "Advice Nurse",
I don't think this pain I have is the ligament
I have experienced the ligament pain and I know what t
hat feels like. This is very different. This pain is present even
if I lay down and just pull my knees into a bent position from
a straight position. Any type of movement causes the pain and
it doesn't feel like the ligament pain. This pain is more deep.
It's not the pulling pain which I've experienced with the ligament pain.
I constantly have Tylenol on board and it has not helped the pain at all.
I have experienced the ligament pain and I know what t
hat feels like. This is very different. This pain is present even
if I lay down and just pull my knees into a bent position from
a straight position. Any type of movement causes the pain and
it doesn't feel like the ligament pain. This pain is more deep.
It's not the pulling pain which I've experienced with the ligament pain.
I constantly have Tylenol on board and it has not helped the pain at all.
Also, this message was initially sent to my
physician. Please forward
these messages to her; Especially since you recommend that
I speak with my physician, Dr. F.
these messages to her; Especially since you recommend that
I speak with my physician, Dr. F.
My appointment yesterday went very well and quickly, except for forgetting to ask my doctor about the previous issue =) The appointment went fast and my doctor is allowing me to see her in 4 weeks, rather than 2 weeks.
This week, I got back into the game of managing my levels the right way. I was able to give the right information to my doctor (unlike last week lol) and she was pleased with this week's progress.
After the OB appointment, I sat in the parkinglot with my feet propped up on my outside mirror while I read my book and then took a nap; killing two hours for my next appointment. I had an Fetal Heart ultrasound to make sure Blaire's heart is growing/functioning properly. Everything looked good so I won't be needing another heart ultrasound for her =) Blaire tends to wake up and get active between 2 & 4pm and then stay active through the evening and into the night. She doesn't keep me up at night but when I do wake up, she is moving. Anyway, my appointment was right at 2pm and I told the tech that she should be waking up soon. Sure enough, 10 minutes before the ultrasound was finished, she started moving and making things difficult for the tech! It was neat how she stuck to her pattern =)

My left foot has been swelling quite a bit lately but has not been painful! My right foot, which has the pain issues and ankle swelling on a regular basis has not had ANY pregnancy swelling! I'm ONLY swelling on my left leg and foot! I'm so very thankful that God has allowed that because that was a source of some of my pain in the last pregnancy: my bad foot swelled on top of the normal pain swelling...

My back and tailbone has been out of alignment and causing some real discomfort lately. Thankfully I haven't been in a lot of pain though!!! I increased the Elavil (anti-depressant) and the Muscle Relaxant and those seem to be helping Mucho!!
My left foot has been swelling quite a bit lately but has not been painful! My right foot, which has the pain issues and ankle swelling on a regular basis has not had ANY pregnancy swelling! I'm ONLY swelling on my left leg and foot! I'm so very thankful that God has allowed that because that was a source of some of my pain in the last pregnancy: my bad foot swelled on top of the normal pain swelling...
My back and tailbone has been out of alignment and causing some real discomfort lately. Thankfully I haven't been in a lot of pain though!!! I increased the Elavil (anti-depressant) and the Muscle Relaxant and those seem to be helping Mucho!!
My pregnancy with Blake, Joseph was never able to feel him move. I think that made him to not really care about feeling for Blaire's movements. I have put his hand on my belly when Blaire is moving and this time he Has been able to feel her! He doesn't seem to interested still but I'm thinking that might change. I told him earlier that, "She is definitely a 'Daddy's Girl'!" Blake must have just been a 'Moma's Boy.' =)
Sweet :) Maybe I will feel her this weekend!