Thursday, May 7, 2015

25 Weeks 3 Days

In the last 2 or so days, I've been having some strong discomfort in my upper left side with a lower left side cramping; like I've walked too much and wore myself out. The upper pain is not quite cramping but is a strong ache and includes the numbness I've had off and on. The only thing I can think is causing the strong ache and major discomfort is dehydration possibly? I've always had a hard time drinking water and even now I am still struggling to get enough in during the day. I do drink plenty of milk and juices/other drinks, but not so much water. Last time this happened it was evening time, after dinner, and I immediately drank 2-3 glasses of water and then took a nap; woke up feeling better. This time, before dinner, I'm feeling it again. I'm a little nauseated from the ache and am slightly afraid to eat, lest that gets worse and puts me in a dangerous situation.
Blaire has been moving around quite a bit. No big jabs or kicks. More like rolling and swimming around! It has the tendancy to make me a little motion sick which is adding to this discomfort. Joseph has been able to feel Blaire move in the mornings when we're laying in bed. Other than when I lay on his hand, outside movements are difficult to feel. I know she is getting bigger though because I am starting to feel more pressure near my bellybutton and can push what feels like an arm or leg =D So far she isn't making me uncomfortable, except for the rolling =)
Insulin Resistance is coming on strong. I have majorly increased my insulin and am still having a slight issue with the high bg's. This is totally normal at this point and to be expected. I'm almost there with the right insulin amounts and am not worried one bit! Yesterday's range was 120-166. Higher than I want but really, not bad at all!
As I stated in the beginning of my pregnancy, I will not feel guilty for high bg's and will not stress out about them because I know that I'm going to be doing my best; and that will be good enough! I was supposed to turn in my blood sugars for the week to my doctor online but this week I only sent in my new insulin rates. They probably won't be happy but I  feel that I'm doing very well with getting things under control and I do NOT need their bad advice or guilt trips. =D

Today I went to the Hangar Clinic in Fairfield and got a pregnancy support belt thingamajig. It wraps around below my belly and then wraps around the top of my belly with a back stabilizer tight across my low back. It is to help my back pain by lifting my belly up and releasing stress across the back somehow =) When I first walked into the room, the woman said, "So you're here because of your RSD diagnosis right?" 
The other day when I had my Pain Management consult, the first thing the doctor asked was, "You're here for an RSD consult correct?"

At both appointments I responded by saying that I was unaware that was the reason I was referred to their clinic. I brought the condition to my other doctor's attention as a possible explanation for my pain, but they've not yet told ME that it is a possibility. It's strange that they have either told me "no" or not approached the subject, but are referring me to P.M. and H.C as needing assistance with RSD as my diagnosis.....
I've been extremely stressed out lately and have stayed off the computer/ internet, minimized my appointments this week, minimized my calling/texting interaction, and have done much better than the week before! De-stressing to the max! 


  1. Replies
    1. It's the nervous system disorder I've been considering. Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy.
