Saturday, May 16, 2015

26 Weeks 2 Days --- 6 Days

Early Wednesday afternoon pain started kicking in. We headed to bed around midnight but were up til nearly 4am trying to get rid of the pain. Thursday I had appointments all morning and early afternoon so waking up at 7:30am was not cool. We were sooo tired! I tried to get Joseph to take a nap while I was in my appt but he wanted to come with me =) 
I went to my OB appointment with the intention of telling my doctor that it's too much stress and aggrivation to give her my bg's each week. Since I'm constantly making insulin changes and doing basal checks it's difficult to turn in 5 days of data since those daily changes make each day the first day of current data... Anyway, Dr. F came in and basically said I'm doing very well and I don't need to turn in my bg's each week since Type 1 is so much more complex than what she typically deals with, Gestational and Type 2. Since I threatened to leave UCD for the Sutter Hospital care, Dr. F has been much more accomodating and less intimadating and that has been very helpful! I did voice my frustrations about the nurses intercepting my messages and how I didn't think Dr.F was even receiving them. She said that she had responded to all the messages I'd sent to her. When I stated that there were 3 very important messages that only the nurses responded to, she said that she would look back into the messages to see why she didn't receive them. I hope she does but I have the feeling she might not, since she often stresses how busy she is as a doctor and how if she "had to answer all the emails that came in, I'd never see patients because of the amount of messages incoming." :/
Overall, the OB appointment went pretty well. I was glad to have Joseph with me =D

Mom joined us for the next appointment with Dr. T for my foot followup. The appointment went very fast and the dr walked out of the room without any of us realizing the 10 minute appointment was over. I requested a nerve conduction test to see if the pain culprit might be the Sural Nerve. They were adamant that it wasn't typical signs of the Sural Nerve entrapment but I told them that I wanted to do the test to rule it out definitely... It totally makes sense to me that the Sural Nerve is being messed with because my pain is right along the path of that nerve perfectly.I guess we'll have to wait and see.

My last appointment of the day was a growth ultrasound. Blaire showed her face well and even gave us sign language for "I love you" which we got a picture of =) 

Between appointments I went and got copies of all my medical documents from the beginning of my pregnancy and while perusing the paperwork, 195pgs, I could hardly believe all the inaccurate information that these doctors are translating to paper after our appointments. I plan to approach some of them with my questions about that. 

Thursday afternoon, once we got home, pain was coming on strong. It kept up for a good while. Pain persisted through the night and into Friday morning. Friday afternoon my pain was Very high. My meds are wearing off by 5 hours in rather than 8 hours in. Mom suggested that I call the dr that's managing my pain meds, Dr.C. I left an urgent message for her and she called me back pretty quick. She asked "why the pain was all of a sudden worse" and wondered "where the pain was coming from." REally!?!? I've been seeing this woman for 4 1/2 months and she still can't remember that I have FOOT pain... She didn't even remember from our appointments what we'd talked about. I was NOT happy with that conversation. In the end, she didn't give any advice for helping out my pain and just suggested that I take a nerve medication (which I think is a good idea) since nothing else seems to be covering the pain. I explained that my pain isn't "all of a sudden" worse. My pain has never been fully covered by the Methadone and week by week the pain gets more and more intense. She didn't seem to be able to comprehend that either. 

Since she didn't give ANY advice on the pain, I decided to cut my 10mg Methadone and 10mg Muscle Relaxant in halves to make them 5mg each and instead of taking them 8 hours apart (with pain killing me at 5 hours) I am taking them every 4 hours. When it comes to the appointment I'll need to let the doc know what method I'm doing and if she has a problem with it then I'll let her know that I had to do something since she wouldn't give me advice when I was dying on the phone with her. I'm taking the same exact amount of meds that I've been on but I'm just taking them closer together.
 So Saturday, today, is trial day #1 with doing pills every 4 hours. So far so good, but there are still many hours in the day...
My tailbone has been bothering me quite a bit today so, like always, I'm taking it easy =)

My bg levels have been pretty good this last week, but today, my levels are on the higher side a bit (140-180 post meals) so I'll have to see if it's carb ratio or basals that are off.
overall... bg's are great! =D

1 comment:

  1. You are great at managing your healthcare. You need a doctor that does the same :-\ praying for God's direction!!
