Wednesday, August 19, 2015

3 Weeks

Well, I did fantastic the first week and a half after Blaire was born. . . Then side effects from not taking nerve meds started kicking in. High blood pressures, headaches, vision being blurry, sleeplessness, restless body syndrome, super irritation/ frustration, and anxiery started to plague me. I got back onto my nerve medication and it's definitely helped but I'm not totally over the symptoms yet. I spent quite a few hours in L&D today to have my bp monitored. Even 140/108 isn't alarming to them so I gotta talk to Dr. C tomorrow at my 3 week follow up.... Whatever happened to the 6 week followup?! Who knows. Anyway. I've leveled out with my weight which is discouraging but not unexpected. I bought some pants today cuz none of my jeans from before fit yet =) Time to try and walk every day now. . . can you believe that 3 weeks ago I was completely unable to walk due to severe pain?! Now I can do single foot lifts off the floor with only weakness and not pain!!!!!

Blaire is doing great! Her appetite is increasing. For now we're feeding her as much as 2 ounces ever two hours unless she wants more or wants to stretch out. I'll work on scheduling her at 3/4 hours later on... She is so good! She can be a little bit fussy but it seems to be when there's a lot of noise around. She definitely needs some quiet time. Thankfully, Blake's enthusiasm for life doesn't bother her anytime at all!! =D

Blake loves his little sister... until she cries. Then he covers his ears and runs from the room! He is willing to give her her boba, help feed her, take her diapers out, and give her besos!! I love seeing them together!

Blaire is getting thinned out a bit and is such a perty little thing! I plan to take her first photos this weekend!!! Kara is coming and hopefully she will be able to help set up what I have planned in my head for the shoot.

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