Friday, January 30, 2015

11 Weeks 4 Days

This might be a TMI (too much info) post for some readers: You've been warned :)

So pain levels during the day are still rising. My nighttimes are doing okay though. I'm still taking the 5mg/2x daily Methadone and Tylenol to help kick the rest of the pain. Tylenol only works half of the time so I've been substituting with ice or heat. I iced my foot yesterday but left the ice on too long. Even though my foot was super red and totally frozen, my foot and leg still hurt. My back has been aching so I'll need to go to the Chiropractor again. I missed last week and I shouldn't do that! I'm pretty much on a countdown to this MRI. I'm praying for a huge, extremely visible something so that there will be a diagnosis with no doubt! I've dealt with this pain for 11 years now. God sure is testing me! I know for sure that I can't do things on my own strength but only through His help. I'm still praying for His healing on my foot/back. In His time, it will come.

I had to cancel my OB appointment yesterday because I woke up to extreme intestinal cramping which caused me to throw up multiple times due to super-no-bueno-constipation. I haven't gone hardly at all in 2 weeks and a stool softener is definitely not making anything soft or working in any other way that I can tell. So I sat on my throne for 45 minutes, talked with an advice nurse a few times, and called my Moma to come bring me laxatives and to babysit... Blake AND ME! Dealing with the throwing up left me with a concern for my blood sugars. If I ate anything, and then was back on my throne of pain-stipation and threw up, then I would be risking a low and that is... It's just all bad!
She brought me lax's and they didn't do a thing except take away my cramping. So that was good. But I was still majorly blocked up.

2 Days ago, at my parents' house, I stepped on the scale before attempting to get rid of the nasties. I was quite surprised to see that I had gained 7 lbs in the last 2 weeks since my appointment! My thought was that I needed to start limiting my carbs if I was gonna gain that fast!... After I was done in the throne room, I stepped back on the scale and saw that I had lost 3.5 lbs! Guess I don't have to diet after all! haha. 

Yesterday afternoon, I emailed my doctor, since I had to cancel my appointment, about the issues I needed to discuss with her. The nurse that I had spoken with that morning while on my throne emailed me back and wondered why I didn't tell her I had things to talk to the dr about. -- I had requested a phone appointment since I couldn't make the appointment in person. I was denied because 'we usually don't do it like that'. Yeah well usually I'm not constipated either so it's a different situation all around! -- She asked me when she called why I didn't tell her previously that I had issues to discuss. I told her that "I was a little distracted with the amount of pain I was in" and should have said, don't forget I was literally on the toilet and throwing up when you called. That's why I couldn't think of talking to the dr about a prescription I needed refilled. DUH! =) She had some doctors to talk to then she would be able to get back to me with their answers to my questions.

So last night around 10 pm... I had taken a little more than the recommended dose of lax for a day (on accident) and it had been 14 hours since my first dose and I finally started my bowels starting to move and grumble. The bathroom stood by, waiting for me. . . Slowly but surely I'm starting to feel better. One little bano trip after another. It has now been 28 hours since my first dose of lax and I have no need to take more but am continuing to get cleaned out. I wonder how much weight I've lost now!?
I read online that a woman who was super constipated took some lax and 3 days later, after she was all cleared out, she stepped on the scale to see that she had lost 8 lbs! If I lose more than 7 lbs, I'll be just below my pre-pregnancy weight!

I got a call this morning from a nurse at my OB office. I had emailed the doc about my pain level and if I needed to increase my dosage or take another OTC besides Tylenol. They scheduled me for an appointment next week with the dr that is managing the Methadone and will see about increasing the dose then. On that same day I have an appointment to have my 12 week ultrasound to see if there is any risk for Down's Syndrome. If B does have issues, I want me and the hospital to be fully aware so that they are ready for B's birth no matter if he/she is healthy or will be arriving with a set of challenges for us!

I took a 10 week side profile and will take a 12 week profile. If there is any difference, I will start to take weekly pictures. Last pregnancy, I didn't show til 16 weeks.

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