Tuesday, January 13, 2015

9 Weeks 1 Day

I only had to drink 1/2 a container of juice during the night! I'm almost staying level and that will be so nice! Mom stayed the night last night and she attended my appointment with me this morning. I had to do labs before my appointment and because I didn't know how long the wait would be, we arrived at the dr. office an hour and 10 minutes early. 2 weeks ago when I went to do labs, it was almost an hour wait. I was seen and out of the lab within 10 minutes of arriving! I checked in early for my ultrasound appointment and we wait about an hour, which wasn't bad since I had nice company! I had to drink 4 cups of water before heading to do the ultrasound. Surprisingly, I never got uncomfortable with it! According to the ultrasound, I have a "septumed uterus". Whi ch means it is shaped like a heart with the middle line dividing the uterus in a sort of half. Baby can only grow on one side, but his shouldn't cause any problems. I'll have a more thorough ultrasound post partum to see what the uterus normally looks like. Directly after this appointment, I had an appointment with my OB team. I had another ultrasound so they could see the baby's heartbeat. We can now see the baby's arms and legs. Baby B was moving nicely and that was fun to see! The main topic of conversation today was about my Norco and pain issues. They are putting me on Methadone to see if that will help my pain at all. When a baby is born addicted to pain killers, this is the medication a baby is put on to get it off it's addiction. I will be set up with Pain Management to see if there is any other way I can help my pain. We can't do too much right now because I have no diagnosis for my foot pain. After the Feb. MRI we should (hopefully) know more. As far as I understood, I will become dependent on this new medication. In all the years that I've been consistently taking Norcos, I have never been addicted to it and that has been nice. It will be interesting to see how this new medication works. If this new medication doesn't work as well as the Norco, the ONLY medication I can stack on top of it is Tylenol. No more Norco for me once I start the Methadone. I sooooo hope it is very effective! This pain I've been in will be no fun if I can't take Norco for an ineffective medication. Blake fell asleep during my appointment. Mom took us out for lunch on the way home and after my WIC appointment, I came home and slept a solid 2 hours with Joseph and Blake! My levels/rates are good and doctor only made one adjustment to my dinner ratio since I tend to be on the lower side after dinner!
Aside from being tired, I had a good day, bg & pain-wise. I had taken 2 Norcos though.
I have gained a total of 3.5lbs now. 

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