After walking yesterday evening, I was in quite a bit of pain through the night. 2am I had taken half the norco and at 6 I took another half but neither one helped a whole lot. This morning, I am resolved to not use my foot at all! Getting breakfast and taking it to the couch was slow moving, as I pushed my plate and drink across the carpet, slowly, until I reached the end table =) Woke up at 220 so Joseph will come home on his break to change my set. My site is bad so that is the reason I'm high. Lame sauce.
I've been sitting on the couch for the last few hours. My foot is throbbing a bit, but it wasn't to bad until I got into an upright position to make my lunch.... Standing is bad today. No bueno!
Better levels with my basal adjustments. Only one low so far at 6pm of 65! Don't feel anything but tired... which is either me being low... or just being tired everyday at 5:30!
Tsk Tsk. That 6pm low took 2 full glasses of juice to correct and at 8pm I'm at 66 again! SO.. Basal is too high for my 4pm on. I didn't eat dinner so I KNOW that it's my basal =) More changes!
Foot is stabbing me off and on randomly, but no pain pills today yet!!
I have been getting random twinges in my lower belly and it's making me excited to feel baby B move around.. I'm sure when he or she actually is big enough to move around, it won' be comfy movements I'll be feeling. I will be glad to have the movement though to know he or she is alive.. It's a little worrisome right now with only seeing the heartbeat once, two weeks ago.. Trusting his/her life to God is a daily exercise. Even though I have all this pain, I'm still extremely excited (on the inside) to be awaiting baby B's arrival!
Strawberry Jam on English Muffin with Blackberries =) mmmm. Sometimes treating lows is fun!
I'm just hoping I have no high rebound!
For hours this morning, literally, I researched baby names online. I came up with a grand total of 5 boy names that I like. I think only 2 of them I realllly like though. Since Joseph has been home, every once in a while, I randomly shout a name out. My method of eliminating one name at a time. If Joseph or I get tired of hearing the particular name, then we cross it off the list. If we don't get tired of it then it gets to stay on the list!
We already have our girl name so we are only trying out boy names!
Better levels with my basal adjustments. Only one low so far at 6pm of 65! Don't feel anything but tired... which is either me being low... or just being tired everyday at 5:30!
Tsk Tsk. That 6pm low took 2 full glasses of juice to correct and at 8pm I'm at 66 again! SO.. Basal is too high for my 4pm on. I didn't eat dinner so I KNOW that it's my basal =) More changes!
Foot is stabbing me off and on randomly, but no pain pills today yet!!
I have been getting random twinges in my lower belly and it's making me excited to feel baby B move around.. I'm sure when he or she actually is big enough to move around, it won' be comfy movements I'll be feeling. I will be glad to have the movement though to know he or she is alive.. It's a little worrisome right now with only seeing the heartbeat once, two weeks ago.. Trusting his/her life to God is a daily exercise. Even though I have all this pain, I'm still extremely excited (on the inside) to be awaiting baby B's arrival!
Strawberry Jam on English Muffin with Blackberries =) mmmm. Sometimes treating lows is fun!
I'm just hoping I have no high rebound!
For hours this morning, literally, I researched baby names online. I came up with a grand total of 5 boy names that I like. I think only 2 of them I realllly like though. Since Joseph has been home, every once in a while, I randomly shout a name out. My method of eliminating one name at a time. If Joseph or I get tired of hearing the particular name, then we cross it off the list. If we don't get tired of it then it gets to stay on the list!
We already have our girl name so we are only trying out boy names!
10pm: took a Tylenol. Praying for a night of deep sleep!
I still vote for Bentley & I hope its on your list..... Blake & Bentley. So cute :)