Combatting pain with ice, heat, and Norco. I had another long night. As soon as the Norco wore off, my pain was back, nearly as bad as it had been before taking the pill. Joseph gave me more Norco around 5am. Because I was awake early I was quickly becoming nauseated. When the 10mg Norco kicked in and made me dizzy, that made my nausea even worse. 8am I woke up with a bg of 355. Somehow my pump was disconnected all night. ugh.. Within 10 minutes I was in EXtreme pain. Joseph suggested urgent care and I told him he could take me to the E.R. I limped to the bathroom, then hopped to the bedroom, moaned as I put on my clothes and then crawled into the living room while Joseph got Blake ready to go and gathered our things. I was changing between sobbing and holding my breath while Joseph got Blake into the truck. He came back and carried me. Of course we had to hit every light and slow person in vaca. I rubbed my leg and it wasn't really helping. Joseph parked the truck and started to gather the stuff. I got out and hobbled toward the entrance. I got 3 cars down before bending over and sobbing. I heard someone shout at me, asking if I needed help or a wheelchair but I was totally unable to respond. Before I knew it, Joseph picked me up and carried me while Blake followed us with Joseph encouraging him to quickly cross the street. He sat me in a wheelchair and I think I was bawling the whole time we were in the waiting room. Joseph checked me in and came back to help rub my leg. Blake stood by me without either of us needing to tell him to stay close. In the room they quickly got a doctor to me and gave me Dilaudid and Zofran. One shot in each shoulder into the muscle. After a half hour, the meds kicked in enough to take all the pain from my back, upper leg, and most of my calf. But, my foot was still sending random stabs of pain. Joseph rubbed my leg and Blake played trucks on the extra chairs in the room. He was watching Daddy and came over to help massage Moma's leg.

A whole of two hours from when we left the house, we were headed back home.
Joseph stopped by the apartment office so I could go ask the manager if there was anyway we could get a dishwasher in our apartment. I talked with the manager for about 10 minutes and all of a sudden, I got dizzy and not feeling well. I quickly left her and got in the truck telling Joseph I was about to throw up! I held back my gags and Joseph parked crooked and ran to open the house and clear out the bathroom for me. I ran (as much as I could) and sat on Blake's little toilet in front of The toilet. All of a sudden, I was feeling totally normal and fine as if nothing happened!! I think the mix of the meds making me dizzy and the smell of the office got to me in a bad way! Thankfully I've felt fine since! This is the first "morning sickness" I have experienced.
Joseph and I were talking about my pain on the way home and this pain I've been experiencing is already worse than what I experienced with my last pregnancy.
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