Sunday, March 1, 2015

15 Weeks 6 Days

I slept solid last night and Joseph let me sleep till noon which gave me just under 12 hours of sleep. I went to sleep at 94bg and slept through all alarms and wok at 74bg! I didn't go low! Looks like overnight basal is accurate! Nausea kicked in when I tried to eat scrambled eggs so I'll not attempt those again anytime soon. Shortly after that lunch my headache started coming back. My neck is aching too like it's out of whack and I need to make sure I get adjusted after my back treatment tomorrow at the chiro. Blake is with my parents for a while today and I'm quilting and taking it easy at home, hoping the headache won't get as bad as last time.

As the day progresses I will continue to post the developments.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Amber, I just figured this out and got a google+ account so I can let you know I'm praying for you! I appreciate the updates. This will be great for the baby to read later in life :) Love you!
