Monday, March 2, 2015

16 weeks

I've been dealing with the nausea but these last two days have given the addition of not-so-minor heartburn on top of the nearly throwing up I'm experiencing! I found out that I can only eat "cold" or "dry" foods such as super fried potatoes, granola bars, cold cereal dry, donuts or non moist bread...A few days ago I was doing really well with pancakes but today when I took my first bite, I pulled out my barf bag that we got from a nurse. We were in Vallejo today for Blake's procedure. While we waited for the procedure to be finished, Joseph and I filled our plates in the cafeteria and once I started to eat, I immediately had to stop and lean back for a few moments. I could eat the muffin, but not the pancake or cottage cheese. Super sweet foods are iffy too so I just have to be careful.I went tonight to buy some donuts and a large muffin since I know I can eat those. I figure my priority right now is to just keep food down, no matter what it is. When I'm not dealing with nausea I do try to eat well but when I'm nauseated, you can forget that! I'm not worried about my food choices right now because I know that overall, I'm eating much more and better than my pregnancy with Blake and he has been just fine. My bg levels have been fantastic (except for when I ate this morning and felt so nasty that I didn't bolus and spiked to 270! Eek! That hasn't happened in many weeks!) and I've been able to stay good without going majorly low. I've had a few afternoon lows but I'm conquering those slowly, day by day =) Today I had my 3rd chiropractic back treatment and it felt soooo good to get so stretched out! My back has been feeling much better this evening from the treatment. Tomorrow I'm considering going to Davis to an Accupuncture clinic. I read that accupuncture is totally safe for pregnancy and helps big time with things like morning sickness and heartburn. I figure if the old wives tales are true, that heartburn is a sign of your baby having lots of hair on it's head, then the heartburn is just fine... as long as it doesn't get painful... because that's just no bueno =)


  1. So Sorry to hear about the constant nausea :( Praying that the acupuncture works well for you!! Love, Aunt Becky
