"Woosa Woosa Woosa"
I'd emailed my bg numbers into the clinic with a promise that the nurse would speak with my dr regarding my levels and nausea. I was surprised on Friday when a different dr emailed my insulin changes back to me. I responded today to the message. I'm not very happy about MY dr not making the changes and am very unhappy with the nurse who didn't (apparently) speak with my dr about my allowances of 'highs' on certain days. The other doctor, the one who sent in my levels did not even look at the email I'd sent where I explained my high bg's, (150 & 179) as being days I was nauseated... Needless to say I'm quite annoyed with "these people." The following is the email they sent and what I sent today, and Yes... I'm the problem Pump Patient.
Hi Amber, Here is the message from Dr. B:
The reason to recommend the lunch I:CHO
change is because 2/3 of her post lunch values
were high(67, 162, 179). However, if she is not comfortable
with the change, she does not have to do it.
Her glycemic control will be evaluated again next week.
Thanks, Dr. B.
Hi Amber, Here is the message from Dr. B:
The reason to recommend the lunch I:CHO
change is because 2/3 of her post lunch values
were high(67, 162, 179). However, if she is not comfortable
with the change, she does not have to do it.
Her glycemic control will be evaluated again next week.
Thanks, Dr. B.
My Response
Please inform Dr. B that my dr. allows me
to be 150-180 on days I deal with extreme nausea.
It looks as though Dr. B did not look at the full
message I'd sent to LeNurse nor communicate
with my dr. I'd stated clearly the two days mentioned
were nausea days. I also stated in the message that
the levels were right where I wanted to be since I was
dealing with the nausea. The only day that carb ratio
was used accurately (with no nausea involved) was when
I ended up at 67 . Also, as I stated in my message. For the
pre lunch number at 151 I had ONLY bolused for food,
NOT for a correction, and ended at 160 where I wanted to be.
Since I only bolused for my food, it clearly showed my ratio of 1:13
is accurate. Bolusing with the correct ratio should bring
me back to the pre lunch number, which it did within an acceptable
10 point range. Thank you for Dr. B's comment regarding the change
and please let her know that I'll not make the change at this point.
to be 150-180 on days I deal with extreme nausea.
It looks as though Dr. B did not look at the full
message I'd sent to LeNurse nor communicate
with my dr. I'd stated clearly the two days mentioned
were nausea days. I also stated in the message that
the levels were right where I wanted to be since I was
dealing with the nausea. The only day that carb ratio
was used accurately (with no nausea involved) was when
I ended up at 67 . Also, as I stated in my message. For the
pre lunch number at 151 I had ONLY bolused for food,
NOT for a correction, and ended at 160 where I wanted to be.
Since I only bolused for my food, it clearly showed my ratio of 1:13
is accurate. Bolusing with the correct ratio should bring
me back to the pre lunch number, which it did within an acceptable
10 point range. Thank you for Dr. B's comment regarding the change
and please let her know that I'll not make the change at this point.
So today was pretty good. I did have to take something to prevent a headache that I felt coming on. I had my back treatment and that went well. I was battling some levels this morning but the rest of the day I was between 70 & 100. My tummy is aching tonight and I'm not sure why, but it's quite uncomfortable. Blake wants me to play and read with him, but I'm not feeling well enough to interact and I feel bad for ignoring him. =( I hope tonight and tomorrow go well
So today was pretty good. I did have to take something to prevent a headache that I felt coming on. I had my back treatment and that went well. I was battling some levels this morning but the rest of the day I was between 70 & 100. My tummy is aching tonight and I'm not sure why, but it's quite uncomfortable. Blake wants me to play and read with him, but I'm not feeling well enough to interact and I feel bad for ignoring him. =( I hope tonight and tomorrow go well
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