The first few days of this week have gone very well. I had minimal pain on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday morning. I was taking the Methadone and Muscle Relaxant but no Tylenol at all on those 3 days. It was so nice, but I kept in mind to not over do it since I was feeling so well! I actually went out, sitting on my scooter, and got the mail with Blake and washed the dishes! It felt soo good to be feeling better.
Wednesday evening, 4pm I took my pills. By 5pm, the pain had begun in my foot AND back. I had just finished my back treatment with the chiropractor and it felt good, but the pain was not a good sign. I used ice immediately after I felt the pain begin but it didn't do too much good. I was in a lot of pain til Joseph came home from work. He massaged my leg and back and it helped, but I was still on the verge of tears from immense pain. It was especially frustrating to lay there in pain while Joseph did his best, because the last few days had gone so well. I hadn't done anything out of the ordinary. I had still taken it very easy. Pain continued through the night and we were up for quite a few hours. When Joseph rubbed the pain out enough we would fall asleep exhausted only to wake within a few minutes to the pain back again for 3 hours.
Thursday morning woke me the same way. Blake woke up early so we weren't able to even try to sleep in. I iced and heated my foot and back all day with minimal help. I had some errands to run around town that were time specific, meaning I had to do it. Since Joseph was at work, and mom&dad out of town I had no one to help. I didn't think it was important enough to call them back into town to help me. Blake and I ran to 2 stores and then my phone alarm went off letting me know I'd missed my Methadone dose at 4pm. I still had to get Ink from the store, pick up Joseph's car from work and get the car smogged. I had no Tylenol with me and it was super hot out and that just added to my irritations. I'd wrapped my foot before I'd left hoping the pregnancy swelling would stay down and not aggrivate me but by 5:45, I couldn't stand the wrap anymore and had to take it off. I was extremely frustrated with the heat of the day, loading my scooter into and out of the truck 4 times or more with all the stops we'd made, Blake was hours beyond his nap time, because I didn't expect to be gone more than 45 mins maximum. 2.5 hours after we left the house, we came back home. Blake cuddled on the couch with his animals, blankies, and dinner. I grabbed the ice packs and laid in my chair while he watched tv. 15 LONG minutes passed with no feeling of the ice hitting my foot. I tried to use a thinner towel and it was still too thick and blocked the ice. I rubbed my foot and my leg and it was doing nothing. I then borrowed Blake's silky fabric, which he hollered at me for, and used that as the barrier between my foot and ice and finally the ice started seeping through giving me some least 45 minutes after we got home. Moaning and groaning and praying for my pain to subside, Blake kept coming to give 'besos' because he could see how bad I was. He is so compassionate when it comes to me being in a bad place. My back was still aching strong so I put one of the packs on my back which helped quite a bit. With all the pain during the day, God gave me a fairly good night of sleep. I did wake 2x to take Tylenol before the pain kicked in too bad. Blake came in crying one time so I let him lay in bed with us. He was there more than half the night. Friday morning, Joseph got up to do errands at 8:30am and Blake & I slept in till 11am. Dad came to pick him up since he and mom are taking Blake til Tuesday or Thursday next week. My back is aching and it will be interesting to see what the Chiropractor has to say about it when I go for my treatment this afternoon...after I run more errands... I won't forget my pills this time!
Even though my pain has been STUPID for the last few days, my sugar levels have been PERFECTLY within range! My sensor fell off a few days ago and so I haven't been using it but I'm not having lows and I'm barely going above my range!!! I got all my basals right again =D
I'd emailed my dr asking why she wanted one of the changes last week. She tole me that she thought it was maybe a typo in my previous report and she thought it was odd but made the suggestion anyway. I looked into the email and informed her that it was not a typo, that she must have misread my sensitivity as lunch carb ratio. She replied saying that she saw the email and said that the nurse who copied it had copied it wrong. I HATE WHEN THE DR. SAYS THAT SHE'LL GET THE MESSAGE PERSONALLY AND INSTEAD HAVE A NURSE DO IT. THAT IS NOT DOING THINGS PERSONALLY. The nurses NEVER copy all my information accurately and always leave out my notes of important explanations of information.
I'll be approaching that issue at my next appointment... if I remember. =)
Even though my pain has been STUPID for the last few days, my sugar levels have been PERFECTLY within range! My sensor fell off a few days ago and so I haven't been using it but I'm not having lows and I'm barely going above my range!!! I got all my basals right again =D
I'd emailed my dr asking why she wanted one of the changes last week. She tole me that she thought it was maybe a typo in my previous report and she thought it was odd but made the suggestion anyway. I looked into the email and informed her that it was not a typo, that she must have misread my sensitivity as lunch carb ratio. She replied saying that she saw the email and said that the nurse who copied it had copied it wrong. I HATE WHEN THE DR. SAYS THAT SHE'LL GET THE MESSAGE PERSONALLY AND INSTEAD HAVE A NURSE DO IT. THAT IS NOT DOING THINGS PERSONALLY. The nurses NEVER copy all my information accurately and always leave out my notes of important explanations of information.
I'll be approaching that issue at my next appointment... if I remember. =)
So happy that you had a few good days this week :-)
ReplyDeleteI pray you are able to enjoy your trip without too much discomfort!! It was great to see Blake with your parents at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Such a cutie!!