Last night, before bed I took the 10mg Methadone, 5mg Flexeril, and 500mg Tylenol. I slept solid til about 8:30am before the pain kicked in. A Tylenol and heat pack took care of that pain rather quickly and pain then kicked in at 3pm! It's been a pretty good day. I'm at my parents' house tanning before I head to the chiropractor =D
I just got my A1C results from my doc.... 6.1% !! That's the best I ever had! By the time I delivered Blake at 36.6 weeks I had FINALLY gotten my levels down to 6.0% ... That's an average blood sugar of 125 =D eek!! I'm so happy!!
I sent my bg's in to the doc today. I only sent ONE day, today's, because I'm making daily changes and none of the other days are relevant. I sent in my notes of what changes I'll be making and why. I hope Dr will say things are good and to keep checking my basals like I'm doing.. =)
I'll post more as the day continues
You go girl!!! That is an awesome number!