Tuesday, June 2, 2015

29 Weeks 1 Day

Sittin' here in my easy chair; Halfway dyin' and wishin' I didn't have to be here.

I think my tendency to write a post on painful days rather than the good days comes from me just sitting in my chair trying to be rid of this issue...
But on good days I'm up and about keeping busy and enjoying Blake.

We got home at 4pm and he started playing with his trucks. Pain was packed and hittin' hard so I told him, "if you want to play with your trucks then you have to play in your bedroom, otherwise you gotta just sit on the couch while Moma's hurtin'." I sat down, leaned back on ice, and put heat over my ankle. He came over and asked me to put my foot rest up and said tenderly that I had "owies." I put my footrest up and almost silently he has played at the end of my chair for 30 minutes, running his trucks up and down the footrest; every once in a while commenting on my "owie" and seeing if I was okay.

I had a nerve conduction test this early afternoon. I had requested it from my foot doctor since my research seemed to point in the direction of a Sural Nerve Entrapment. If you've never had a nerve conduction test done...
... lets just say...
It's better than childbirth.
The doctor who performed the test asked a bunch of questions before starting but I didn't bring up anything about my bad back. About 30 minutes into the procedure, 3/4ths of the way through, the doctor asked, "have you ever injured your back? Because there seems to be nothing wrong with the 5 tested nerves in your leg and would seem to indicate that this pain is originating in your back." I told her about my 3 bulging discs and she suggested I continue working with my spine doctor. I had her forward the results to my spine doctor up north, Dr.O.  After this nerve conduction test was finished I made a July appointment to see Dr. O to see what options I have post delivery.
My theory, and strong hope, of the sural nerve being pinched or trapped seems to be totally wrong. Which I'm happy to be able to know definitely that it's not that, even though I was hopeful it was since it had an (fairly) easy fix. We're now back to -is the back causing the foot to hurt, the foot causing the back to hurt, the foot hurting all on it's own or a little of them all in one- issues.

When leaving the appointment, my pain was rising. It peaked once I got home, after picking up Blake in FF and took a while to calm down. I ended up taking my pills at the 5 hour mark rather than the 6-8 hour mark I usually wait for. 

I dropped off my new prescription for the Oxycontin and Percoset at the pharmacy a few days ago. Since yesterday they've been trying to reach my doctor for further information that the Medi-Cal is needing in order to fill the prescription. I called Dr.C's office letting them know that she was trying to be reached. When I got home there was a message on my machine from Dr.C. "Hi Amber. I got your message but no one has tried to contact me. I don't know why they'd need more info"....-silence for 5 seconds- "well, I suppose I can call them with this number xxx-xxx-xxxx" -silence- "um" -more silence- "yeah" -still waiting- "um. ok. So I guess I'll give them a call? Ok talk to you later. Bye"
Really?... and you're supposed to be a professional?

I then called my pharmacy and no one has heard back from my doc... 

So I emailed her by responding to her email, telling her that I need this prescription filled, what the pharmacy staff told me, and that I was almost out of Methadone. I asked what to do if Friday comes and I'm out of one med and the other two aren't filled yet....Cuz that would be NOT GOOD to run out... Not good for me and MAJORLY NOT GOOD FOR BABY! She had emailed me saying to let her know if the new Oxycontin dose was too high and to not take the Percoset unless I absolutely needed it to cover the pain. REALLY??! Seemed to me like she was insinuating that I'd be taking the Percoset for the heck of it... I responded---- extremely annoyed since I'm NOT addicted to the pills---- saying, "With the Percoset, I had the understanding that I only need to take that for breakthrough pain; if the Oxycontin was unable to cover my episodes of major pain. I don't need to take it otherwise since the Oxycontin should be enough to cover the pain."
I hate the insinuations of me being addicted to the pills. She totally skips over the fact that I took less than 1 pill a month in the years before this pregnancy and that I had only taken them for severe pain which, before being pregnant, was almost totally covered by Tylenol and Naproxen.
I'm so done with this lady.
I should only have to see her 2-3 more times so I'm holding on to that to keep me sane.

Rough Day
Pain finally has subsided to a level 4 pain.
The first time today it's been under a level 7 pain.

1 comment:

  1. So glad the pain is under control and praying for and believing God for complete healing!!
