Yesterday went pretty good. My pain was low enough that I didn't need to be massaged all day but it was present and nagging the whole day. It was a very low intensity pain. The most pain I had, kicked in around 2am. I discovered that if I sit on the edge of the bed with my left leg hanging over the side, and my right leg bent in front of me and I bend forward as far as I can go, the pain will disappear almost completely! But, as soon as I sit back up and am not stretching anymore, the pain immediately returns... I thought that was majorly interesting. Stretching my back open must be taking the pressure off that nerve which is being pinched. After being awake for just over an hour, the pain subsided enough so Joseph and I could go back to sleep.
This morning my pain woke me around 8 am. It was a constant 7/8 pain but not intense. When we got up out of bed around 10:00, my foot had started to hurt so mom massaged it out for about a half hour. We all then threw on our clothes (rather than pj's) and got downstairs at the right time. A man from church who does prayer ministry for those unable to go to church came at 11am to meet with, annoint with oil, and pray for me. He said that tomorrow morning is when ALL the pastors/leaders of the church meet and pray. He said that they will definitely be praying for healing and relief from my pain.
It's kind of a weird thought that so many people are praying for me (&Blaire). I know my family has been very diligent in praying for our situation and I can not even express how thankful I am for their support and prayers. But now that we have so many people at church praying and friends of friends of family praying, it is an odd feeling to know that so many people care enough to pray for us!
Today I went to pain management in Fairfield to see Dr. P and find out if she would be willing to help me out with pain relief while pregnant. UCD Pain Management won't see me for any reason! Dr.P was very enthusiastic about helping and it seemed like it was no big deal for me to be pregnant. So, she did two spinal injections of Lidocaine (numbing agent?) into 2 different levels of my spine. The procedure was not bad at all! She said that if it gives relief either in my leg/foot/ or back, she can do the injections every week til baby is born! So far my foot has had no relief but maybe it will help my back! We shall see!
We have been living with my parents for a week now. "Our room" is slowly being emptied out so Dad can buy a bed for the room. We have been sleeping in Mom and Dad's bed while Mom sleeps on the twin bed in my old room and Dad sleeps in his rocking chair down stairs. It's hard to believe it's been a full week that we have been here. It only feels like it's been a few days!
We have been living with my parents for a week now. "Our room" is slowly being emptied out so Dad can buy a bed for the room. We have been sleeping in Mom and Dad's bed while Mom sleeps on the twin bed in my old room and Dad sleeps in his rocking chair down stairs. It's hard to believe it's been a full week that we have been here. It only feels like it's been a few days!
Yesterday I got a call from my OB, Dr.F, and she wanted to know how much activity/walking around I do. Apparently she spoke with the other OB who is concerned about blood clots. I told her that when I get out of bed in the morning I crawl to the bathroom and then I crawl downstairs to the couch and am parked there all day. She was quite surprised that I'm so immobile. She prescribed a daily injection of blood thinner for me. When I called the pharmacy they said Medi-Cal needs more information (of course, like always) and that if I wanted to pay out of pocket it would be nearly $500.00 for one fill . . . CRAZY!! I can pay for my other prescriptions that are$20 each, but $500 is ridiculous and they'd just need to admit me for the issue.
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