2 hours sleep then pain filled the rest of my night. Joseph worked a double shift and so Mom came to bed with me to help rub my leg/foot while it hurt through the majority of the night. Joseph came "home", which means to Fairfield since we've been here since Friday, at 6:30am. We drove to the 24hr CVS to see if we could fill the MS Contin prescription and pay for it out of pocket rather than waiting for the insurance to cover the cost. The pain through the night, Percoset 10/325 not lasting more than 2 hours at a time, made me decide that the medication cost, most likely in the hundreds of dollars out of pocket, would be worth it and we would deal with that as we go. I took my dad's insurance (which does NOT cover anything pregnancy) to see if the pharmacy could put the medications on that insurance and maybe we could squeak by getting the meds covered for now... and potentially pay the full cost later on.
The pharmacy couldn't fill the prescription without transferring it from my Vaca, not Fairfield, CVS. Too bad my Vaca pharmacy didn't open til 10am since it was Sunday =( We got back to the house and Joseph and I squeezed onto my old twin size bed to hopefully get some rest. All of Saturday and through the night I'd taken the Percoset every 4 hours on the dot. The pain kicked in around 3 hours and kept me awake for up to 2 hours at a time then I had a difficult time going back to sleep. So 6:30am we got in bed.
By 8am I'd taken another Percoset and pain was kicking in fast. Joseph was exhausted and tried rubbing my foot. Dad soon woke up and came in to help rub my leg at the same time. Poor Joseph fell asleep trying to help. Dad continued to rub for at least a half hour after that. I was then able to fall asleep for about a half hour. Dad and Blake had left to run to the pharmacy in Vaca for me and planned to use Dad's insurance to see if it would work. He got back around 10am with pills in his hand. His insurance covered the pills with a $30 co-pay.
Mom needed to do some research before I could start the MS Contin. I took my first dose at noon with another Percoset. For the first time in 3+ days, pain finally subsided enough and I was able to sleep for a few hours and spend the next few hours awake with minimal pain. It was so wonderful to be at a very low level of pain for 6 hours! I took another Percoset at the 4 hour mark even though I wasn't feeling any pain. 2 hours after that dose pain kicked in hard. More massaging and moaning were back around for just over an hour and I took another Percoset dose about 45 minutes early.
Pain has been off and on throughout the evening with consistent doses of Percoset every 4 hours. My leg still feels bruised and massaging my leg is starting to become less and less effective. Staying off my foot seems to help the most with the Percoset because when I've gotten back on my foot, the pain comes back quicker.
Dad rubbed my leg right after dinner. I had him try something I have Joseph do for me. I have him hold the bottom of my ankle and the top of my foot at 90degrees to my leg then slowly pull the foot out of it's joint. It gives relief for about 15 seconds before the pain everywhere else builds and when you slowly allow the foot to go back into the joint, moving ever so slowly to keep everything in line, it feels like when it's going back into place that it's pushing on something and oftentimes is extremely painful even though it initially gives the 15 seconds of relief. Dad said that, to him, that sounds like that would be the bone spur issue causing the pain. We've been talking about my options while I've been here and leaning more toward that surgery post pregnancy. Even if it's just to remove the spur and see how it helps, it will be one way to diagnose and rule things in or out.
Joseph should be here any minute to pick me and Blake up and we're gonna try a night at home and see how it goes. I've missed my comfy bed and cool A/C blowing on me all night =) Twin sized bed for a couple will work but it's not preferrable! I have to call Dr.C in the morning to make an urgent appointment and will have Mom go with me. Then I plan to hang out in FF the rest of the evening in case I need assistance. I have awesome parents who are right there when you need them! Even Chad and Ivory have been extremely helpful in watching Blake for me on limited notice!
Joseph should be here any minute to pick me and Blake up and we're gonna try a night at home and see how it goes. I've missed my comfy bed and cool A/C blowing on me all night =) Twin sized bed for a couple will work but it's not preferrable! I have to call Dr.C in the morning to make an urgent appointment and will have Mom go with me. Then I plan to hang out in FF the rest of the evening in case I need assistance. I have awesome parents who are right there when you need them! Even Chad and Ivory have been extremely helpful in watching Blake for me on limited notice!
It's been a rough weekend.
I'm praying, hoping, and so far counting on 8 weeks to go.
I'm praying, hoping, and so far counting on 8 weeks to go.
Monday morning counts in 30 weeks =)
Blaire has been quite active and making me a little uncomfy in the last week.
Blood sugars have been a little elevated, but it's too hard to manage pain and diabetes at the same time. It's just one or the other and that's just how it has to be. Nothing out of control though so I'm not worried about that. So far blood pressures have been great and swelling has been none to minimal for the last few days! No sign of Pre Eclampsia. Non Stress Tests to see how Blaire is responding to whatever starts this week and will be twice a week til delivery.
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