After my physical therapy appointment yesterday afternoon my pain kicked in big time. It came on hard and fast. Thankfully that episode didn't last super long, but instead of my pain reverting to the 5 level pain after the episode it only came down to a level 7 at best. All through the evening and night and into this morning the pain has stayed consistently at that level or higher. Joseph and I were awake most of the night dealing with the pain. We tried ice and heat with massage and it seemed none wanted to work. I was unable to switch positions to try and lay another way because my tailbone was causing soooo much additional pain. I guess I stood/walked too much during yesterday because by the time bedtime came, Joseph had to help me into bed because I was unable to do it on my own. The pain was Very intense.
Thankfully my swelling hasn't been too bad lately but this morning both my hands were very swollen. My pain is still present at a high level and is starting to rise. I'm now sitting with my foot on ice to hopefully stay the pain. It's interesting with these pain episodes since last night because the pain is still in my ankle but on the outside of the foot rather than the inside where it usually is. I'm assuming the P.T. exercises are at fault for that. I need to call my P.T. guy and see if I'm supposed to continue the exercises despite the pain...
I've been dealing with the hassles of a lazy doctor (when it comes to talking with my pharmacy about new meds), a very confused pharmacy tech, and the hoops of Medi-Cal. I spent a few hours on the phone yesterday with all 3 multiple times and even today, I've already started the calls to the doc and pharmacy. I told the advice nurse who called to ask for more clarification that I was starting to get majorly on edge because the dr. isn't sending in the paperwork the pharmacy needs to fill my prescriptions and my pain meds run out on friday afternoon. She gave me attitude about the paperwork and I told her that since there is nothing else I can do, she needs to call the pharmacy and work it out rather than making me be the middle man. She didn't like it, but I got another call from her a half hour later saying that she talked with the pharmacy and straightened things out.... As of this morning, the pharmacy informed me that my doc only sent authorization for one of my meds, not both... and I still have to be the middle man it seems. =(
This week has been especially frustrating having to deal with all these med issues and stress out about them not getting filled in time and it seems that I'm the only one who cares or is worried about this. . . . And my pain level is only on the rise.
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