I am still taking the MSContin and the Percoset. MSContin doesn't seem to last for 12 hours, but I can't take the doses closer together. When I tried a 3rd dose I got a lot of symptoms indicating that the dosage was too high, but I find that I get into quite a lot of pain in the last 3-4 hours of the MSContin being in effect. I have noticed the pattern of needing to take a second dose of Percoset during those hours, typically in the morning between 7 &9:30am. It's been difficult to arrange my medications in the order of taking them at the right time and not mixing certain ones while mixing others.
During the day and night, except for the 3-4 hours when the MSContin is wearing off, I'm doing fairly okay with managing the pain. I take the Percoset every 4 hours, but I do try to stretch it far as I can. During the night I'm able to stretch a dose up to 7 hours apart and during the day I can stretch the dose up to 5 hours max. I'm able to stop the pain before it hits a level 10 pain. The last 2-3 nights, I've been able to sleep from 11pm til about 6 am without pain waking me up! I make sure to time my doses that I can take a Percoset when I go to bed and it seems to be working great!
Today I had a consult with Pain Management in Fairfield. I talked with the Dr.P about my options and plan for getting off these pain killers after Blaire is born. She seems to think that things will go well and that my main side effect from the drugs will be that I'll just be tired, but not necessarily in pain. I don't totally agree with some of her thinking based on the research Mom and I have done, but hopefully she is right.
Blake is with Mom and Dad for the weekend so yesterday evening, Joseph and I watched a 45 minute tv show then I fell asleep (only waking short times in pain) from 6pm-11pm. Catching up on my sleep is fantastic! I sent Blake with Mom but forgot to ask how long they'd be out of town. For all I know they might have him til Tuesday! haha
I've been having some sharp pains down low. Feels kinda like a contraction but I haven't felt if the uterus gets hard... Dr suggested that I pay attention to see if it does. When I was pregnant with Blake though, I never felt the hardness of my belly. The skin was stretched so tight already so the contraction didn't seem to make a difference! Of course they'd tell me I was wrong so I didn't bother to bring that little tid-bit up during our convo.
Last night my shot went majorly wrong. At bedtime I was at 400bg and took about 40 units to come down. Then, by 7am I was at 50. I ate way too many carbs so when I woke up at 9:30, my bg was back up to 350. Talk about frustrating! Not cool. so yeah.
Today I had a consult with Pain Management in Fairfield. I talked with the Dr.P about my options and plan for getting off these pain killers after Blaire is born. She seems to think that things will go well and that my main side effect from the drugs will be that I'll just be tired, but not necessarily in pain. I don't totally agree with some of her thinking based on the research Mom and I have done, but hopefully she is right.
Blake is with Mom and Dad for the weekend so yesterday evening, Joseph and I watched a 45 minute tv show then I fell asleep (only waking short times in pain) from 6pm-11pm. Catching up on my sleep is fantastic! I sent Blake with Mom but forgot to ask how long they'd be out of town. For all I know they might have him til Tuesday! haha
I've been having some sharp pains down low. Feels kinda like a contraction but I haven't felt if the uterus gets hard... Dr suggested that I pay attention to see if it does. When I was pregnant with Blake though, I never felt the hardness of my belly. The skin was stretched so tight already so the contraction didn't seem to make a difference! Of course they'd tell me I was wrong so I didn't bother to bring that little tid-bit up during our convo.
Last night my shot went majorly wrong. At bedtime I was at 400bg and took about 40 units to come down. Then, by 7am I was at 50. I ate way too many carbs so when I woke up at 9:30, my bg was back up to 350. Talk about frustrating! Not cool. so yeah.
Since my pain seems to be doing some better I will start focusing on my bg's again and getting them tight and right. It will be more difficult now to figure out what's going on. It's not just the balance of sugar vs. resistance vs. insulin. Now it's sugar vs. resistance vs. insulin. vs. bad shots(seems to be happening pretty regularly now) vs. pain pills. In the past, certain narcotics have increased my bg's massively. I can't quite remember if the Vicodin, Percoset, or Norco would be the culprit so I have to watch my sugars closely to find any patterns and line the bg's up with the dosing of the medications. It's a ton of work and takes too much brain power.
Swelling in my left foot/leg/arm/hand has been present lately, but it's pretty minimal. I haven't been wearing my compression stockings and that's making the difference I think.
I'm praying for exactly 5 weeks from today, July 17th, I will get to hold Blaire in my arms. Early is better. Pain will be lower. Medications will be decreased. And life can begin again.
Swelling in my left foot/leg/arm/hand has been present lately, but it's pretty minimal. I haven't been wearing my compression stockings and that's making the difference I think.
I'm praying for exactly 5 weeks from today, July 17th, I will get to hold Blaire in my arms. Early is better. Pain will be lower. Medications will be decreased. And life can begin again.
Praying for s complete healing and safe, easy delivery! Can't wait to see her!