Pain, more pain, and even more pain. Days are typically 'okay', but overnights and waking in the morning are severe. L&D knows me and when I come in, they say, "Here for your foot again!?"
I'm experimenting with increasing, per dr's orders, the MSContin to two pills at bedtime and then two additional during the day at 8 hour intervals. Last night Joseph and I were up from 11pm all the way through 7am before any relief was found. Stacking Percosets on top of eachother didn't do a darn thing to squash the pain. Noon found me in L&D. . .
No news is definitely an indicator that no good is goin' on in our world.
Blaire is doing pretty good though. A little less active than dr's want to see but they say she is subdued some because of all the pain meds I'm on.
4 L&D/E.R visits in the last two weeks for severe pain.
Dr. T (foot doctor) last week released me to Pain Management since the problem is "no longer a foot issue. It's all coming from the back" but Pain Management sent another denial to the request to be seen. P.M. is Refusing to see me, stating that their initial assessment (before the Nerve Cond. Test) was thorough enough and that they do not agree I'm a candidate for a cortizone injection in my spine (as Dr T ordered) or any type of nerve blocks. So I'll be going up to my spine Doc in the north to see what he has to say. OB and foot doc here are on board, but the people who would be doing the procedure, PM, refuses. Talk about frustrating... especially when you are dealing with the most severe pain episodes yet...
Dr. T (foot doctor) last week released me to Pain Management since the problem is "no longer a foot issue. It's all coming from the back" but Pain Management sent another denial to the request to be seen. P.M. is Refusing to see me, stating that their initial assessment (before the Nerve Cond. Test) was thorough enough and that they do not agree I'm a candidate for a cortizone injection in my spine (as Dr T ordered) or any type of nerve blocks. So I'll be going up to my spine Doc in the north to see what he has to say. OB and foot doc here are on board, but the people who would be doing the procedure, PM, refuses. Talk about frustrating... especially when you are dealing with the most severe pain episodes yet...
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