Saturday, December 27, 2014

6 weeks 5 days

Sick day #2. Woke up pretty miserable but symptoms improved throughout the day. Back pain is back with a vengeance. It isn't consistent pain, which is fantastic, but randomly I'll have stabbing and burning pain down my lower back and front thigh. Seriously feels like someone is stabbing me with a fork. Foot pain is back in the evening starting at a level 7 and climbing. How many days can I put between me and my Norco buddy?!
Blood sugars are crazy today from being sick. Poor Baby. I can't do anything about these levels. You just gotta overcome this obstacle and form perfectly for your Moma!! Tell these high bg's that they're not gonna affect you! There is only so much I can do and I'll do it the best I can.
Joseph is rubbing my calf... I should have an MRI of my ankle in January. It will be interesting to see what that shows...
Blake has done well today; playing quietly with his new toys while I rest on the couch. He comes to give me kisses when I say that I have owies. He is currently helping Joseph to rub my calf. =)
It hasn't been {too} bad of a day... but I can't wait for a do over...

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