Tuesday, December 30, 2014

7 Weeks 1 Day

Minimal pain, still waking up during the night once. Blood sugars are still a little elevated because of being sick but I'm within the 100's now. Joseph and I left the house at 6:30am to head to my first prenatal appointment in Sac. I had another ultrasound and got to are baby B's heartbeat! There isn't too much to see at this point. I do need to get another, more thorough ultrasound done in two weeks. There is a little suspicious something that they want to check out. They are thinking it isn't anything to worry about, just that my uterus might be shaped oddly. Last pregnancy I had a "uterine sheet" that prevented Blake from having full motion from within. The doc suspects that is all it is. The appointment didn't entail much but we were there over an hour. One change to my lunch ratio and I was good to go! I have been quite tired in the evenings: ready for bed at 530! I've been staying up til 8 when Blake goes to bed, or sometimes 9 reading. Energy level during the day is slightly subdued and I'm finding no motivation for housework!! Haha I does start a new quilt for a client so I am excited to be working on it! Gotta see how much I can get done before the 12th, when school starts back up!

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