Tuesday, March 3, 2015

16 Weeks 1 Day

I slept solid last night and woke up to a good morning. Levels were great and I was able to eat a full breakfast. Around 2pm I could feel a headache coming on and I started to get nauseated. By 4pm I had called Chad to come babysit me just in case I started feeling worse. My bloodsugar had been slowly dropping for the past hour and right after Chad left his house I lost my meal. He came over with Ivory and my BG dropped down to 60. I tried eating some muffin but it didn't settle well and I thought I might lose it again. My pump was already on suspend from the last hour and I got the Glucagon Shot ready. I checked my level again a few minutes later and I was evem at 60. Being even was good but I needed to rise. Chad gave me the injection and slowly over the next hour and a half I rose to 250. I told Chad that I was sure I was out of the danger zone and he was okay to leave. I did not take a bolus for the high BG because I wasn't positive I would stay level. I then took a nap while Blake played at my feet. When I woke up, my headache was almost gone, my nausea was still fairly present and my BG had dropped down to 190. I'm going to try and eat, but will have to see what will happen.
I've kept Joseph in the loop of what is going on while he is at work today and he seems slightly concerned that my nausea is lasting so long. 

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