Tuesday, March 31, 2015

19 Weeks 5 days --> 20 Weeks

We left for our trip (link) on Friday at 11:35pm and arrived in Idaho at about 10am their time (1 hour ahead). I slept most of the night laying down in the car and so my back/foot did very well. We slept most of the day of Saturday and my pain wasn't a problem. Our hotel room had a jacuzzi in it and I think the soak in hot water did my back good after the long car ride. Saturday night went very well, sleeping solid with minimal to no pain. 

Sunday morning I'd taken a preventative Tylenol early in the morning when Joseph left for a few hours and did very well all that day. In the evening, we met up with some friends for about an hour. We sat outside in some hard chairs to visit. My tailbone was killing me (I think I'm dealing with a bruised tailbone from a previous injury mixed with massive sitting during this time period), and my foot pain increased throughout the whole visit. The 10 minute drive back to the hotel I was in a ton of pain, moaning and groaning, receiving concerned looks from Joseph as he drove. I tried to lay down in the car rather than sit because my back, tailbone, and foot were all throbbing intensly. We got to the hotel, I went to lay down, Joseph covered me in ice with my foot and back, and within 5 minutes I was almost in no pain.... The only thing I could think was that my back was pinching something causing the pain and when I laid down flat, it relieved whatever was being squashed or pinched.. We went out for dinner 15 minutes or so after getting back from being in soo much pain. We got to the restaurant, ordered, and my bowel issues started. I scootered my way quickly to the bano and was crampy with no results. Then I felt fine. We ate dinner, dessert, and headed back to the hotel. Once getting outside the hotel doors, I started intestinal cramping majorly. I rushed to the bathroom with minimal results but major cramping pain. I spent the next hour or so, loudly moaning in pain and almost crying while on the toilet from the intense cramping. I'd come out and lay on the bed just to head back to the toilet within 2 minutes. The pain got so bad that I ended up puking in the trash can all the food I'd eaten in the last few hours. In a span of 15 minutes, I'd dropped about 60 points and had Joseph give me a Glucagon injection in my arm while I stuck it outside the bathroom door as far as I could. I then was relieved of some pain enough to lay down. 9pm, gg at 87, I fell asleep on the foot of the bed and didn't wake til Monday morning at 7 when Joseph kissed me goodbye. 

Monday my pain wasn't too bad, but it was definitely present. We drove around Boise city before heading back home. I slept a little of the way but most of the time I was sitting up. My tailbone was KILLING me by Reno. My foot/back was growing in pain and by the time we hit Auburn, my pain was getting very very bad and my bowel issue started up again. I rushed to the Safeway bano and had minimal results with a lot of pain. I took a Tylenol which was one pill over the daily maximum. I rubbed my foot and Joseph rubbed my leg while he drove to Woodland. We borrowed his parents' car so we had to swap vehicles at their house. Tylenol FINALLY kicked in halfway home and I got some relief. 

We stayed up til 5am watching movies and slept in til noon on Tuesday. Today my foot is killing me some more and my back is aching as well. I'd planned to clean up my SUPER messy house, but am stuck on ice in my chair. Looks like Ill be calling a maid (Ashley) =D

This trip was extremely needed. Mentally I'm super stressed out by trying to manage this pain, manage diabetes, worry about my drs responses/expectations, emotionally ignore glib attitudes and complete lack of understanding of my situation, and wonder how B is doing. My levels have been 250s throughout the whole Idaho trip. I've been doing basal testing and I know my dr won't like having minimal to no levels to analyze.... that part I CAN positively wait for... I'm tempted to skip the appointment with her and just do the baby check with the pain med dr on the same day.....
I mentioned previously that we had a jacuzzi in our room and soaking in the hot water helped my back. I woke with bad dreams Tuesday morning and laid in bed while Joseph still slept. I then remembered that being pregnant I should not use a hot tub as it can harm B. I totally forgot about that fact when we were in Idaho. The water was very warm but not hot enough to make me overheat. I haven't felt B move hardly at all since Sunday so I'm dealing with this worry of how B is doing. I've felt some movement but I can't tell if it's actually B or bowel issues I'm still experiencing. My lower tummy has been achy and I don't know if it's related. Thursday can't come quick enough for me to have my ultrasound. 

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