Monday, March 9, 2015

16 Weeks 6 Days

During the night I had taken an extra Methadone and 3Tylenol due to so much extra pain. My few days of doing great has passed, I'm sure.
Brenda and I had gone to visit a friend for a few hours in the afternoon. When we got home neither of us were feeling well. Blake had fallen asleep in the car so Brenda carried him in to bed, I laid in my rocking chair, and then she laid in my bed for a few hours to rest. I had a bad headache, nausea where I was unable to even take medications, and my foot was starting to kill me. After sleeping an hour my foot woke me up (an hour past medication time) and I asked Brenda to get the ice. After a few minutes of the ice I had to take the ice away so I could try and rub the pain away. Brenda helped me by rubbing my leg and foot. Late in the afternoon, once I could take some pills and not lose them, I'd taken an additional dose of the Methadone. This was two extra doses in one day's time. I was in quite a bit of pain and it took a long time for it to subside even just a little. Brenda wasn't feeling well either but she was willing to try and help ease my pain. She was such a blessing here by helping in every way! Blake enjoyed her too =)
After Brenda left, I was snoozing off and on while, Blake sat with me in my chair watching Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood. When I'd woken up finally after an hour of us laying there, and then I felt B move for the first time. B kicked/touched my belly on the right side 3 times in a quick little row! With Blake, I felt him for the first time at exactly 20 weeks.
B is 3 weeks early! =D


  1. Feeling the baby move must have been very rewarding after all the pain and discomfort you are feeling!

  2. How exciting to feel the baby!!!

  3. Praying for you, Amber. I'm glad to hear the baby is moving! Joy!
