Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Now Introducing........

Blake gets the first look into the box to see what gender the baby is!

He's got a secret...

We're having a girl!!!

Joseph mainly chose the name Blaire.
It has been a favorite of his for a long time.
I discovered the name in one of my books and when I brought it up (with the last pregnancy), it was just what Joseph wanted!

I chose the middle name LydiAnn.
Grandpa Charlie's mother's name was Lydia and I absolutely Love him, and her name.
When Kara (my best friend) and I were teenagers we used to write letters to eachother. 
We had a fascination with the Amish and so chose Amish names to go by in our letters.
Her Amish name was Ann.

LydiAnn is a way of naming Blaire in honor of my Grandpa & my best friend Kara.


  1. Congratulations!!! I told Uncle George it was a girl!! Daughters are so special and grow up to be your best friends :)

    1. Hi Becky! I so enjoy my relationship with my mom and I hope that having a daughter of my own, I will be able to create and maintain such a relationship with her! I do know that with girls, the relationship can be difficult for a lot of the time, but I will refuse to let that generalization determine the way I deal with her, like I know some other people have had. Just because there is the generalization doesn't mean that I have to just expect our relationship to be strained. I will expect that things will be wonderful and if things do get tough, God will continue to carry us through!

  2. So, so happy we are having a girl!!! And, I love the middle name LydiAnn!

  3. Praise the Lord! So happy for you!

  4. Sweetest Miga! I do feel most honored! I am so happy you are having a girl. Reading this brought me great joy. Love you all.

    1. Blaire will grow up knowing about the wonderful years of friendship that we have shared! I plan to make her an Amish quilt! I will use the Amish squares that Grandma Dorothy made, I plan to have Mom make some more and piece the top, then I will complete the quilt with hand quilting! It will be a 3 generation quilt for her =D
