Wednesday, January 7, 2015

8 Weeks 2 Days

I took a Tylenol at bedtime and can you believe I slept solid til Joseph woke me at 6 ?!?! I took another Tylenol then, and half crawling thru my house, putting minimal pressure on my foot, and 6 hours later, I'm doing very well! My ankle is VERY stiff though and if I end up bumping it on anything, I will be in major pain! I plan to be very careful! I'm sure if anyone were to watch me get around my house, they would laugh. I hop on the linoleum to a chair and then push myself backward on the chair to where I want to go then I crawl on the carpet to the couch, and then jump over the couch with my good foot to land on the cushion, crawl across to the end table, over the couch arm and bounce into my seat =) It's like a jungle gym! Too much hopping and boucing though will evenntually hurt my back! Go figure! haha
After breakfast today, I've felt no bueno so I made me some "Bad Girl" drink (mexican hot chocolate is rule #1 no-no for a preg. diabetic). Sipping on it slowly over an hour or so helps combat the yuckyness I feel!
2pm. Just like yesterday, I'm having a 'major' low. Down to 50 and having a little hard time coming up. Glad I didn't raise my basal like my Dr suggested yesterday =) I actually lowered the basal.
SO. Drs want before and after each meal. and that's it...... I didn't give them the low levels between meals and all the extra numbers I have and of course, their suggestions were WRONG! I just told them that I didn't agree with their suggestions and if I am running on the 'higher' side, then by friday, I'll make their suggested changes... Well.. today I'm low. Looks like I won't be making their changes.
Joseph is coming home early from work to be with me just in case. So far I've had 6 glucose tabs and 2 juices (that didn't settle well) and I'm still below 60. Whoop-de-do!
Joseph and I celebrated our 3rd anniversary so the walking that I did was more than originally planned. 10pm and my foot is starting to throb and stab me. I've been on it in the last few hours though. Walking into/out of restaurant/theater and grocery shopping....
My lower back isn't giving me problems, but I can feel something out of whack in my LOWER back/hip level..... Feels like the pelvic joint issue I had with my last pregnancy.
So! We shall see how tomorrow goes!
Good BG's today. A high after dinner of 170. Not bad for guessing the amount of carbs =)

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