Tuesday, January 20, 2015

9 Weeks 6 Days - 10 Weeks 1 Day

I had good numbers through the night but woke around 3 to major pain. Joseph rubbed my leg/foot for two hours. I slept through some of it, but he was faithful to keep going! He is so good to me! I didn't start the Methadone in the evening like I had planned. Mom has some concerns so I planned to start it during the day. After church, we came home to have lunch. I took my first dose at 11:45am. By 12:30pm, my blood sugar RAPIDly dropped to 60 and even though I had 2 glasses of rootbeer and 1 glass of juice, I was still low. The juice didn't settle very well and I became nauseated. I ate a piece of bread hoping that it would help the nausea and then decided to take one of my Zofran. I keep those with my glucagon shot because the glucagon, if I had to use it, has a nasty side effect of nausea. Eventually I came up, topping off at 180. I read online that Methadone uses in mice have lowered their hyperglycemia and reduced the incidences of diabetes... Does that mean it will make me go low?! Oh No!!! My doctor told me it would't affect my levels, but they say Vicodin doesn't either... Instead, Vicodin spikes me to 400's every time. I spent the day cautiously between 180 and 220. =( I never went low again. During the afternoon I was in quite a bit of pain, but it was bearable. I had mom rub my back, butt, upper leg, and calf for at least a half hour if not 45 mins.. After the rub was done helping my pain, I iced my foot and took a Tylenol on top of the Methadone. After another half hour was done, the Tylenol finally kicked in and I was feeling some relief. I was worried that the Methadone was not working effectively enough! Bedtime, I took another Methadone. 12 hours later than the previous dose, and went to bed. I checked my bgs multiple times and stayed level at 135! I woke around 5am to foot pain. Instead of waking to a level 9 pain, it was a level 6 or so. Joseph got me a tylenol and rubbed the bottom of my foot for about 5 minutes and then we went back to bed! We weren't up for hours!!!! 

I decided I needed coffee with my breakfast. I've been limiting coffee to less than 3x a month because I don't want to mess with my BPs. Before coffee my BP was 131/100 with a pulse of 98. I took another Tylenol to combat the pain that was sticking around. 30 minutes sooner than 12 hours, I took the Methadone again. 1 hour after taking the pill, 12:30 or so, I was dropping quickly down to 60. I drank a juice, 2 things of orange juice, 10 glucose tabs, and lots of licorice bites. After about 40 minutes of eating this all, I finally hit 100. I resumed the basal delivery on my pump and slowly climbed to 140. My pain during the day was tolerable even though I could still feel the pain. We went to visit my in-laws. Elaine has been reading up on essential oils and she had one for me to try on my ankle for inflammation. When I arrived I had taken a Tylenol because of my building pain. 10 minutes later, she rubbed the oil into my ankle and foot. I don't know if they Tylenol happened to kick in within those next few minutes or if the oil was working effectively. Elaine let me bring the oil home to try and see if it might be helpful! I took another pill at around 11pm and then went to bed. 

I woke around 4:30, with Joseph's alarm, and my foot starting to throb. I took a Tylenol and Joseph rubbed my leg for a few minutes. At 5am, my bg dropped to 64. I drank 2 juices and did a one hour suspend on my pump. My bg raised to 157 and then dropped back down to 97 by the time I got out of bed at 9am. 
I've changed my noon basal so I don't drop so badly today. My methadone will be taken at 10:30. I'm slowly working my way back to taking it at 9am/pm. It is much nicer to take a pill twice a day rather than every few hours as needed. I'm glad this medication is working well enough! I was definitely afraid that it wouldn't.
December 14th, my A1C was 8.2
January 13th, my A1C is 7.1
One month's time, I've lowered it that much!
It will be interesting to see how low it is at my next set of labs!

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