Tuesday, February 3, 2015

12 Weeks 1 Day


I'm keeping my smile!

My appointment today was with the doctor who is managing my Methadone. She went over my pain/medication history. I suggested that since my pain seems to peak between 8 and 10 hours after my dose, maybe I should take a pill every 8 hours rather than every 12 hours. She agreed that is a good way to go. That way I'm increasing my dose entirely by 5mg and not by 10mg (an additional 5mg twice a day). So yeah. I'm on 5mg, 3x per day. This appointment went over time and so I was 20 minutes later for my 12 week Ultrasound appointment. 
The ultrasound is to screen for Down's Syndrome. If B has DS, it would not affect our love for him/her, it would just make us aware so we could study it up, and so that the hospital would be fully prepared for the birth of this baby! During the ultrasound the tech was pushing really hard with her thingamabob that showed the baby on the screen. I told her it was painful and she said it was because my uterus is facing forward which means that most of the uterus is in the front and baby is sitting closer to my back and she had to push harder to be able to see deeper or something. I kept telling her that it was painful on that place and she seemed to have no compassion whatsoever. I was not happy with how she did the ultrasound. I have been unable to lay on my yoga ball very comfily =) and she said it would be because it's like the 'ball of the uterus' is in the way. And, that is what it feels like: like I'm laying on a little ball thats squishing everything to a painful point. She said it will probably go away when B get's bigger. This would explain why my belly has grown way quicker than my last pregnancy where I didn't have this 'issue' =) 
Next, I went to have some blood drawn and the sample will be sent to another place to screen for D.S. It should take us about 10 days to get results. I'm so not worried about this at all! So then we started for home and my foot pain started to build. We stopped at CVS to drop off my prescriptions and then we went home. At home my pain quickly rose. I started on an ice pack and it didn't make a dint in my pain! I took a Tylenol and laid on my ball to ice my back while Joseph rubbed my leg; that didn't work either! SO. I then iced just my foot and it helped my pain dramatically! 
In the last few days, only ice on my back has been helpful. If I iced my foot, my foot would be frozen but the pain still present. Today, it's different with ice on my back not helping but ice on my foot being the one that works. This is telling me that today, my foot problem is acting up, not my back problem. UGH So many problems to analyze!
Thankfully I only had this one major episode of pain today! And I only had to take 1 Tylenol!!
It's 11pm now and I'm 'bout to head to bed and pain is starting to build. I take my next dose of Methadone at 1am and I will take a preventative Tylenol right now to help with the next 2-3 hours =)

1 comment:

  1. Good job keeping that smile! Praying, praying, praying.....all day long!

    Aunt Rhonda Lynn
