Tuesday, February 17, 2015

14 Weeks 1 Day

I had a bit of pain at bedtime and woke to pain in the morning. I needed to take Tylenol both times for that pain. My back has been doing better these last couple days even though my foot has hurt. Today I went to DMV and got a handicap placard. It's so much better going to DMV on crutches because you sit in a chair at the counter and they come to you! =D I'm battling a headache today and plan to go to the chiro this afternoon sometime.
Good levels today and last night. I lowered my basal and will do basal checks today to see how my afternoon goes! 
Last week at my doc appointment, drs wanted me to make changes and  I said no, not until I am convinced by my levels that they're high enough to make a change. It's been GreAt since friday, but with lows each afternoon.. I keep lowering the rates they want raised! I just emailed in my levels from thurs-today. It will be interesting to see which rates they have in store for me later today!

WELLLL...... I ended up having a VERY interesting afternoon, to say the least!
Around 1pm, I started to get nauseated. My headache increased dramatically and I put ice on my neck. Before taking my planned nap, Joseph checked my level and said, "HOLY CRAP!" and took off running toward the kitchen. I sat up and was like, "Hey! What's my level!?" He said I was at 59. Because I was already nauseated, I told him to use the Glucagon Emergency Shot instead of trying to eat or drink anything. He gave it to me and the nausea continued to build with the addition of the Glucagon making it worse. He called both our parents and whichever ones he could get a hold of, he asked them to come take care of me because he had to go to work. He called work to say he'd be 30 minutes late. I had taken a Tylenol for my foot pain which was increasing and an Anti-Nausea. Within just a few minutes of taking those, I had Joseph hand me my pot (because I'm on the crutches, there was no way I was going to try and go anywhere) where I threw up within seconds, all of my breakfast from 3 hours previous. After 2 minutes or so of that pleasantness, I drank some tea and took another anti-nausea and another Tylenol and also an early Methadone dose. I kept checking my levels and topped out at 115. I typically raise up to 400 points within a very short time of taking the Glucagon Injection. This has not been the case though with being pregnant. Joseph's mom arrived and my parents were headed my way still having an hour to drive though. After taking the additional pills, 10 minutes later, I was throwing up again into my pot. Because I wasn't sure how quickly the Methadone would soak into my system on an empty stomach, I wasn't sure if I needed to take a second dose, as I had been doing with the Tylenol capsules. Joseph and I updated his mom on the situation and he left for work as I called and left a message for my OB. I quickly received a call back from an advise nurse who said that because I hadn't eaten all day except for the one meal in the morning, and because I couldn't currently keep anything down, I needed to come into UCD L&D. I called Joseph but he didn't answer his phone or texts so I woke Blake up from his nap, loaded my pot into the car and Elaine drove me to Sac. Before getting onto the freeway here in town, I had Elaine give me a 2nd Glucagon injection because I'd dropped from 130 down to 80. I didn't want to mess with anymore lows because of being so nauseated. I was extremely nauseated the whole time while driving and the driving/shadowsun mix coming thru the window didn't help my situation. I sat in the front seat with my head in my hands leaning close to the AC to try and help things for the entire drive to Sac. I had Elaine pull up to the front doors and I crutched my way into the hospital while she went to park the car. Once I got through the main doors, I was huffing and puffing! Some employee stopped me and put me in a wheelchair and wheeled me up to where I needed to go. I was SOOOOO thankful for her help! God put her right where I needed her to be! I checked in and a 2nd nurse leaned over to the window where I was signing papers and said, "Hey, weren't you JUSt in here a few days ago!?" I chuckled and said, "Yup. And I'm sure you'll be seeing quite a bit more of me as time goes on!" I then sat in the hallway for about 7 minutes until Elaine and Blake came up to meet me. Just a few minutes after that, I was taken back to my room. The nurse immediately checked my BP and said, "Oh it's high. You need to change out of your (extremely thin long sleeve) and into the gown. I so badly wanted to be sarcastic and say something like "You don't think the high BP is actually caused from me crutching my way down a 50ft hallway after a nurse who was walking on the faster side?..." Of course, I kept my mouth shut and put on the gown like she said. A few minutes after sitting quitely, she came back in and was happy to report a better BP. Yup. I wasn't huffing and puffing anymore!! lol She said she was going to head out and put some stuff into the computer. She came back 10 minutes later with an arm band and then left. Elaine took Blake for a long walk after that because he was being a bad boy. Baby didn't get more than a 10 min nap all day!! That nurse didn't ever come back in. Over an hour later, it was shift change and I had a new nurse who brought me buckets of water! I'd been there just over 2 hours before I got any water or a nurse to come back in! In the meantime, I rested with the light off and moaned against my nausea. After 7:30 doctors started arriving to talk about my afternoon. I had ketones in my urine and they drew blood to see if it was in that as well. My sugars spiked at 200 and around 8 I decided to turn my pump back on. I'd turned it off at 1pm. Once turning it back on, my levels started dropping 20 points ever 20-30 minutes. Mom and Dad came and he took Blake to walk around the building outside and out for some dinner. Poor kid was probably VERY hungry! Mom went to the Cafeteria to get me dinner just before they closed at 8. My nausea was doing better but still present. At this time, I was thinking that the nausea was caused from such an empty stomach rather than the nausea that started this whole episode. I ate half my sandwich just fine and once I ate a few bites into my other half, nausea hit me so I leaned back, made sure there was a clear path to the sink and waited for it to pass. 5-10 minutes later it was totally gone. We were waiting for blood work to come back to see if there were ketones in my blood. I was drinking as much water as I could. Mom and Dad left with Blake and I started reading some homework I had with me because of my assignment due before midnight. Mom and Dad brought my laptop so I was able to do the things I needed to. The labs came back and I had ketones in my blood slightly. I started drinking more nasty water but then asked if I could have an IV instead of battle this continuing the slight nausea. The nurse asked my doc and after talking with them, they went ahead and started an IV of liquid. I was surprised how fast the drip was turned on and was even more surprised when Elaine noticed it was almost empty! They started another bag and waited for more blood work. Once the ketones in my blood were gone, then I could go home. Joseph arrived at 11:30pm and Elaine then left to head home. When the bloodwork came back after midnight, it was clear of ketones. We were finally able to head back home. Joseph and I walked down to the main entrance where I sat down in a chair and waited for him to get the car. My left calf was nearly cramping from the long walk I'd made. I can't believe the muscle that is already bulking up in the one leg! haha Good thing I bought a floor length dress for Natalie's wedding! If it was short, I'd have extremely funky looking, mismatched legs! Anyway. When I got in the car, it was just about 1am. We got home just before 2am and Joseph fell right asleep as he attempted to rub my leg. I read a book and went to sleep about 45 minutes later. I went to sleep with a BG of 167. I woke 2 times during the morning to check and it was slightly lower each time and by the time I actually woke up fully at 1pm, my bg was 117.