Friday, February 6, 2015

12 Weeks 4 Days

Today is Friday, February 6th.
I slept through my alarm last night and took my Methadone 2 hours late. By 5am I was in quite a bit of pain. Joseph rubbed my leg for a little while but it didn't seem to help. He got the icepacks and those helped a lot. I woke to more foot pain and lots of back aching around 8. The icepacks were not super cold anymore and didn't work on my foot so I knew it would work on my back. I laid on the ice and when the cold Finally seeped through the towel between me and the ice, Blake woke up. I didn't lay on the ice for too long and my back was still aching a lot. Today will be a resting day. Guess me and Joseph shouldn't have had a pillow fight last night!
I think I got my overnight insulin levels right. I didn't go low last night or need to do a temp basal!! That took me quite a few weeks to figure out!
I woke up yesterday and the day before thinking it was Saturday. I woke up this morning thinking it was Saturday too but then heard the yard guys and realized that it was actually Tuesday ... yup

I just took an hour nap hoping my headache would dissipate but it hasn't. I've been dealing with nausea off and on today too. Yesterday evening, my in-laws came to make dinner. Ted made a yummy and pretty spicy pizza! It was so neat that he planned to make pizza cuz I had told Joseph earlier that day that I wanted pizza for dinner! Anyway, some of the italian seasonings were spilled on the stove area and everytime I get close to the kitchen, nausea slams me! I'm going to have to ask Joseph to clean the stove thoroughly for me! haha My headache is worse than it was the other day but thankfully, even though my pressures are elevated, they're not as high as it has been! 

So yeah. I'm sitting in my recliner and I get a whiff of that italian seasoning.... I practically ran to the bathroom 30 seconds after taking an anti-nausea tab and I threw up 4 times in the toilet. I barely made it! I checked my bg and it read 53. How wonderful! I started inhaling the glucose tabs with bg readings of 51 and then 44. Joseph was speeding his way home and I decided I needed to use my glucagon shot... I definitely didn't wanna do it myself. So I was gonna make someone else stick me with a giant scary looking needle! I opened the door to look down the street to hopefully see Joseph. Instead, there was a dude who just parked who started walking up the sidewalk to my neighbors house. He was perfect for the task at hand! I asked him for help saying, "I'm a diabetic and am having an extreme low. If you would help me, (i help up a big syrenge) I need you to give me this injection." He was like, "Uh...mmm." I then said , "I'm seriously need your help. I'm almost to the point of passing out and having a seizure." He came over and wondered what to do so I said "just stick it straight in my arm and push the juice in." He hesitated and and I got kinda stern and said, "Just stab it in and go!" So he did and I thanked him and said that I had someone coming to check on me in a few minutes. I was secretly dying of laughter inside because this is kinda normal for me and I'm sure that was a very strange experience for him! Just one more day in the life of a diabetic! It's moments like these that make diabetes light and fun even in serious situations!

Jonathan came over to drop off some things for me and he got here a 2 minutes before Joseph did. I asked him to stay til Joseph came home and then he, Sarah, and Gracie stayed for a while to visit! Definitely a good visit with them. It took me an hour to get to 175.
It's been 3 hours and I'm still having nausea so I'm gonna try to eat and hopefully (with Joseph going to play ball) I'll be able to keep it down.
He cleaned my stove and counter so there shouldn't be that nasty smell!

So even though today has been eventful, it has been a good day =) Aside from the low, I can do days like this =D Just no lows!!


  1. Tuesday? I think it is Friday :-)

  2. Oh, my goodness! I think that guy will be telling that story for years to come!

  3. So glad he was willing to do that!!! God had him right where you needed him :-)

  4. Jonathan has always been so good to you, I'm glad he showed up when he did!
